tineye says this image originated on tumblr and deviantart, so indeed. Clearly an edit of a pre-existing image perhaps of some special forces types disembarking, but with pasted-in rendered weaponry and body armor.
But this has to be for a movie or something. That barrel shroud/hand guard thing on the muzzle of the point man’s rifle is not practical at all. The only thing it’s going to do is trap heat
They do have exo suits in development. It’s not like the jetpack and all that. It’s basically a lightweight metal frame. It helps support gear weight and has a gun mount. It’s just for endurance.
And yes they make them for civilians but they’re expensive
Yeah they’re actually pretty cool but I think they’re something like $10K. Plus the cloaks. No military is going to say “Here’s your standard issue half cloak. It’s going to make getting to your weapon a pain in the ass but it is military grade badassery” 😂
tineye says this image originated on tumblr and deviantart, so indeed. Clearly an edit of a pre-existing image perhaps of some special forces types disembarking, but with pasted-in rendered weaponry and body armor.
Yes came here to say that middle one looks like a “Predator” helmet placed there what the??
Also how would you breath? Guy on right looks like Boba fett ... https://www.starwars.com/news/who-is-boba-fett
They are weight redistribution systems designed to take the weight off the legs. These exist
Edit: not saying the photo isn't shopped, it looks fake.
Tineye says................fake. Actually it is photoshopped seals pic, with the exo shit and weapons shopped on top.
Tineye It came from here, published 2016 https://www.deviantart.com/gillesketting/art/DPD-MilitaryPolice-478220186
This is why I love this place, thanks.
YW anon.
YW anon.
Nice work!
But this has to be for a movie or something. That barrel shroud/hand guard thing on the muzzle of the point man’s rifle is not practical at all. The only thing it’s going to do is trap heat
Gun says CHANEL on it. Designer clothing guns?
Guy on left has Chanel logos.
They do have exo suits in development. It’s not like the jetpack and all that. It’s basically a lightweight metal frame. It helps support gear weight and has a gun mount. It’s just for endurance.
And yes they make them for civilians but they’re expensive
Yeah they’re actually pretty cool but I think they’re something like $10K. Plus the cloaks. No military is going to say “Here’s your standard issue half cloak. It’s going to make getting to your weapon a pain in the ass but it is military grade badassery” 😂
Good luck pulling the trigger on a standard AR firing control group with those fat-ass finger plates.
Combat ready!...... with 300lbs of kit!
I think they are Mandalorian...
This is the annual Armed Forces gear carrying competition. Dude in the center won by a nose...........it's in there somewhere.
No Dogo
its cgi
It's bs...find the rifle all the way to the left. Fool was lazy...