Amazing how deceptive some of the online weather sites are as well. Just read my local forecast for today. Not only is the entire map red, they even tell us how the weather should feel. Right now it's about 78 degrees F, and they're saying the real feel is 87. I'm sitting next to an open door and I'd say it's about a comfortable 75 degrees. They also have a reminder to check on people who don't have air conditioning, and to limit outdoor activities.
Neither do I. But what I was trying to convey (badly), is that even the weather reports are all about ramping up fear. Areas in bright red or orange, hysteria over the high temperatures, all designed to produce fear. It's summer where I live. It gets hot, and always has.
I like to look at weather patterns.
A few years ago they shifted the colors by 10 to 20 degrees so that 50 is green, 70 is orange, and 80 is red, 90 is dark red, and 100 is death red. Makes the planet look a lot hotter than it is. Fuckers.
Amazing the effect that color has on everything we do.
Amazing how deceptive some of the online weather sites are as well. Just read my local forecast for today. Not only is the entire map red, they even tell us how the weather should feel. Right now it's about 78 degrees F, and they're saying the real feel is 87. I'm sitting next to an open door and I'd say it's about a comfortable 75 degrees. They also have a reminder to check on people who don't have air conditioning, and to limit outdoor activities.
I don't see anything wrong with checking on people that don't have A/C, especially the elderly.
Neither do I. But what I was trying to convey (badly), is that even the weather reports are all about ramping up fear. Areas in bright red or orange, hysteria over the high temperatures, all designed to produce fear. It's summer where I live. It gets hot, and always has.
The thing that gets me is that its mid-summer. Summer is hot. What do you expect? People really are flippin dumb to fall for this nonsense.
Weather people read from a script too.
They also use blue in the winter to show people that it's cold.
Not in 745 degree weather. Shouldn't even have rhe AC running.
I like to look at weather patterns.
A few years ago they shifted the colors by 10 to 20 degrees so that 50 is green, 70 is orange, and 80 is red, 90 is dark red, and 100 is death red. Makes the planet look a lot hotter than it is. Fuckers.
Gotta commit to the psyop!
We set our air conditioner down to 78, so we don't spend more than we need to. It's comfortably warm.
When we lived in Missouri, which is beastly hot and humid, we kept it at about 80, and compared to outside it was perfect.
das raccisssss!!!!!