Below are good summaries of what the world is seeing and doing as the Dollar collapses as the world’s business currency. The BRIC countries are moving quickly to create their own currencies and using Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, and Oil/Gas to bolster their strength. The US dollar is certainly being dropped quickly. If you still haven’t moved your money into Gold, Silver, oil, gas, and maybe….. Bitcoin (I myself still twitch slightly at this idea), you may want to do so this week. Gold, silver, gas and oil are still going to be the best bets I think.
Anyway the US economy is about to finally stop the 2 year down hill roll, and go 90 degrees off a cliff soon. All the economic alarm bells are sounding so we shall see. Either way buckle up frens. Aug. and Sept. are going to be very hot. May God protect us all and give us strength to weather the Storm.
Get as much money out on the banking system NOW and convert it to GOLD/SILVER. Keep enough in there to pay bills or mortgage and make sure you keep paying them - with receipts. Yes. Gold and silver is being manipulated, in fact for decades but not for much longer. Atm. Silver and gold are down so it’s a good time to get in and get as much silver or gold as you can afford. If you can go to a reputable dealer near you, walk in and leave with it. There is a saying….If you don’t HOLD it, you don’t OWN it. It has to be physical not paper!! While the price of silver/gold is down atm., the premiums are going thru the roof. Meaning, most dealers a year ago would charge $8 OVER spot. Many under and back then you had a chance to shop around. This is their profit. So if you see that silver is $20 an ounce, expect to pay around $28.00 for that ounce of silver. This price goes up and down sometimes every minute. Remember. This is a long term strategy- you can always cash it in if you need it. We give our Adult children silver as birthday or Christmas gifts. Gifts from the Hand of God Himself. But a couple of weeks ago, I decided to see how I would go if I put up a 2 oz coin on eBay and I have always warned never to buy from there, but I was testing the waters. If you want to convert that silver into cash, go back to the dealer you purchased it off, but remember, they will not give you back what you paid for it, it will be less unless spot shoots up so keep that in mind. Now I’m overseas so my price for silver is different. I have a 2 oz coin that I paid around $58 for, so $29.00 per ounce. I put up a 2oz silver coin to see if I could open another stream if SHTF or things get tight. In no time that 2oz coin sold for $130.00. I’ve noticed that some are asking way over that. If you want to start stacking, as long as it is stamped clearly with either 999 or 9999 then start stacking. Forget about limited mints where the mint/dealer has only minted up 5,000 oz. or whatever. You are not going to get ahead if you pay a premium because of a less minted coin. There are lots of bullion dealers in America. I love Scottsdale. But there are many others. Shop around and yes, look on eBay but be careful. Don’t forget to add postage onto the price of the coin/s. And remember, Silver is heavy. You need to store it safely so keep that in mind. Have you ever seen this graph? It’s the World’s DEBT Clock for Precious Metals. This is what GOLD/SILVER should be! Looking at the Clock, it’s down in the bottom RHS corner. 😀. Imagine if you had bought just 50 ounces @ $28.00 an ounce!! Another person I like to watch is Lynette Zang. She’s has a YT Channel under her name. She has some good topics up just in the last week too.
Great post.
Think of silver as a way to preserve and protect your money during the imminent collapse of the Federal Reserve note. This event is likely to occur in the near future.
While holders of silver will likely experience a large increase in value over time, the primary goal is to remove your FR notes (dollars) from their fiat system and keep physical possession of your assets. It's God's money - not fake money.
When SHTF, it may not be possible to access your fiat assets (banks, credit cards, etc.) It may be difficult to purchase fuel, food and other essentials. Silver assures that you have a solid asset that can be bartered or used as money. I'm confident that I hold enough to weather the coming storm.
It's never too late to start stacking. On-line orders can take a couple of weeks but local coin shops are cash-and-carry to you can start stacking today.
It's not necessary to understand anything except weight: A beautiful one-ounce coin created by an artist melts to the same weight as a generic one-ounce coin. I don't care if it's pretty - I care about the weight.
Also, a Troy ounce weighs about 9.7% more than a regular ounce.
Lol if SHTF that bad, no one will want silver/gold. Bartering will be done with guns, ammo and food.
And fuel, initially. But also consider that silver will automatically become money as it gets used and people figure out how to do commerce with it. Looks at history. Every depression since 1750s, silver was used as defacto currency. This is why the U.S. gov't did a force switch from defacto silver standard to gold standard in 1871, then stole everyone's gold in 1933. They don't want you to have it because it threatens their control. Silver as currency is completely decentralized beyond gov't control, and no digital tracking is possible.
Interesting info. Thanks.
Although, in the upcoming crash, being that patriots are in control, I think it'll be a more of a controlled demolition.
So silver's really worth $1539 an ounce?
Silver is a relatively finite resource. The value of silver isn't really the way you should see the big picture, the dollar is worth far less today than it was ten years ago and even less than that, the further you go back. The value of gold and silver demonstrates how weak the dollar has become because the government devalued the dollar with excess notes and creation of digital duplicates that do not exist, except in banking computer systems. The only reason silver/gold appears to be so low as the current spot price is the artificial suppression of the actual value and printing fake shares of non-existent gold. There is more "paper" gold/silver out there than real physical metals. Those that actual hold them will realize the real value when the paper shares are exposed as fraudulent.
That’s what is should be!! Because the globalists have manipulated it for decades, they get to dictate the price. Staggering isn’t it. By putting a sovereign country back on the gold standard, the real price of both will become a reality. Just a reminder that much of the technology and medical systems we use today, require silver. We are just watching this video atm. Very interesting.
Minimum. Based on the silver paper/silver physical ratio and the 1913 purchasing power, I believe it should be $5000/oz. Most accurate measure is gold:silver ratio price which likely will hit 15:1 with gold expected to $40K/ounce min once the FedRes collapses.
I don't use banks. But hit the lcs and took another 10oz from them.
Produced by Asahi Refining, each round contains 1 troy oz of .999 pure silver.
Bargain! Did you hear about that Billionaire that bought 900,000 ounces for $50M? Have to wonder if there is any left in the COMEX. 😀
I only have physical so I don't pay much attention to paper.
Notice that the price of gold and silver is actually going down after they announced that they are going to destroy the dollar.
Gold Ask$1,734.90 Silver Ask$18.85
Yes, see that. Back up the truck. 😀