Okay—the bad guys inflicted Covid-19 on the world, then the good guys countered by unleashing the airborne vaccine "Omicron" on us, correct? Do you think it stopped there? Time for a VIBE CHECK: Fellow amphibians, how are you *really* feeling? Any new, strange, unusual 'bugs' going around?

Well, the army announced they had a vaccine, then nothing happened re rolling it out. That's because it wasn't a shot. Omicron itself is the evidence, as well—it has some very unusual attributes which prove (not hint at, prove) that it was not naturally occurring.
This! Ive looked many times over the last year to find an update to that mil vx that was supposed to give immunity to everything and was close to release and I cant find much indicating its gone past where it was--which I interpret as pretty much what youre saying. It was the CRON.
Also what was most notable about the mil vax was this--all happening at WR, by the US MIL--yet the supposed p o t u s joe never mentioned it, not once. Im glad you brought it up cats bc Id forgotten about it. It really seemed like joe wasnt in control at all--of mil anayway--like they were separate.
Anecdotally, many I knew who went all thru 2020 and 2021 not a cold anything--got hit with the cron. Weirdest thing ever. IMO it was good guys and we got immunity from it.
How do we know Covid is even a real virus and not just.a cold/flu with worldwide msm fear porn tied to it? Or just the effects of radiation through our daily devices and/or weather mod/5G?
I got unusually sick with symptoms I've never experienced before. I'm sure it wasn't a typical cold or flu.
You gotnit right sir. Do not be moved.
We don’t. We have a plethora of information indicating that the vax was/is the “virus” - flu cases disappearing, vax effects, people, including world class athletes dropping dead from the effects, our fake news propaganda machine pushing sudden adult death syndrome and other vax “side effects” all or most engineered into the vax. I never came down with a anything that I was aware of, but then I don’t get the flu either.
17Jeff we know bc they show us pictures! Havent you seen the graphics created by the images that only they see on their electron microscopes that no avg little guy pleb has?? Theyve shown us many pics or at least pics of pics of that sphere with spikes all over it to know its a mean little demon virus out to kill us all. And if we'd listen to the msm we'd know EXACTLY what to do to stay safe. Sheeesh
We are being hit with something. I have concluded it is a combo of EM radiation, acidic water supply, airborne toxins, and intentionally sprayed/contaminated food and consumer goods.
Yep, I got sick about 10 days after that announcement by the military in December. I haven't been sick in 20 years so I figured they released something on us to give us natural immunity.
Thry only started trials in Dec 2021. It will take a while for it to be released. Probably end of this year.
Why didnt the commander-in-chief-potus-joe mention it since it is his mil doing this amazing thing? Pres DT talked about it--he said from early on the mil would develop vax and he was 'fact checked' that its not the mil role. But Joe hasnt talked about it at all tho its supposedly in trials. This indicates whatever it is, and whatever form, being dev. by mil, is still being worked on under joe--but is something intended by DT, and joe doesnt mention. Thats what I found most notable about it. And the trials can be anything, such as the trial of the mainstream shot that is experimental.
Have a family member in forces who was forced to jab or lose his position. And the Mil denied his religious exemption
My daughter refused the army still retains her.
Wasn't it proven to be multiple generation of the original covid? So no matter what the mutation it can cover all of em
Who proved it and why should we believe it?
When the army announced that, everyone I know got a common cold. We are not fans of testing so who knows.
I agree with this theory
Announcing a "shot" to end all variants... And then hearing no more about it?
The variant itself was the cure
Exactly massive collusion
Dig into the genealogy of the Omicron - it bifurcated from the original wuhan strain right in the early months, but we didnt see it until year and a half later. This can only happen if it was done in the lab.
Now look at all the books pre-written about Omicron, and the fear porn they had ready to go. But what happened? The variant pretty much killed the Covid narrative, especially due to the legends in South Africa who made sure their voices were heard.
This has white hats written all over it.
the reality is that there is no evidence there has ever been a virus in human history. This is the greatawakening board right? You opened the box, keep looking, it never ends lol.