posted ago by MissBear ago by MissBear +25 / -0

Hi, I’m 35 and had the Covid vaccine (Pfizer) and boosters. 3 weeks ago I had a heart attack. It was the single most terrifying moment of my life. If someone tells you the vaccine didn’t cause it, just know you aren’t alone.

Apparently, a lot of the heart problems in young people from them are due to misadministration.

Basically, the jab is supposed to go into your (deltoid) muscle ONLY...and NOT IV into your bloodstream (which caused heart failure in lab rats). Hence, Pfizer/Moderna both specify first aspirating (pulling back) the needle after sticking it in to check for blood (in case you hit a blood vessel). Only if it's clear (meaning you hit no vessel)...are you supposed to then inject.

Butttt...the CDC removed that critical step to "decrease muscle soreness."

As a result, there is a small % of people who are getting jabbed in a blood vessel...and thus suffering the results of bloodstream administration (very bad!). Which also explains why most others aren't experiencing similar, severe heart problems.
