Argentine Minister of Economy almost lynched by an angry crowd in Buenos Aires. Inflation is over 60% and the Argentine people are hungry.
🤡 Drive down the street 🤡
Now an ACTUAL lynching might have been just the thing to get the attention of the elites. Pity.
EDIT: I miss the old riots and demonstrations of old....everyone was focused on the riot itself and created quite a formidable angry mob. Today half the people there are just taking up space and catching it all on their phones. THAT'S NOT RIOTING, frens, that's just being present. C'mon people, show what you're made of...put the phones back in your pockets and DO SOMETHING ALREADY!!
The only reason to lynch them is to get rid of them. That cat ain't changing her stripes. Corruption needs to be eliminated. They are only elites because they steal. And cheat.
True. No matter who’s says it ( I always think people think IM a fed when I speak up and I make it aware that it wouldn’t even matter if anyone was…because it’s time to rise and they can run away in their jorts and tank tops they wore in hikescthchool and keep running until they see God or Satan. ) Yea, it’s overdue time, and I don’t care of possible punishment because they won’t have time or resources nor the man power, training, organization crap is out the door. They’re told to fkn run or join. Moral lines are the only ones you can’t cross. Unless you’re immoral. Reason for us is justified to wits end and brand new measures. We fight for our lives. Whoever is opposing us, is attacking us. They’re the enemy in this war. Treat them like it. And yourselves like it. Hesitation is your death; no hesitation is theirs. You live. Not a hard decision. My only issue, and sorry I got in and smoked a great rolled joint I’m still working on lol…my issue is WHERE TO AIM?!?
I think that if it ever gets to the point of survival and fighting for our Republic, there will be no time for such lofty and philosophical thoughts... that time will have passed and it will be a time only for action, swift and decisive. There may be time afterwards to consider the ethics and meaning of it all, but I think we're heading into a time for making swift and hard decisions based on very little information.
As a thinking species, sometimes our big brains can get in the way of basic survival and defense of all the things we love.
A good metaphor for this is the story of the Gordian Knot, where countless men tried to untie it without success. Until Alexander the Great stepped up and cleaved it with his sword.
Thus endeth the lesson.
i get ya but in this day & age, image and how things are presented somehow are more important than anything else (from the authoritarian's side).
so all the filming is just the modern way to counter this facade by shattering all this constructed imagery. when there's no shame left to hide maybe then it could be an old fashioned one
Most Argentinian are Peronists (socialists) they like mocking Bolsonaro and call the based right wing Brazilian people jungle monkeys because they consider themselves the "Europe of South America" but in reality they are the new South Venezuela. Well enjoy your civilized poverty.
Thank you for the context
I agreed. Argentinians think they are better than all of latinoamericans. They mocked Panamanians a lot, but they still humans in spite of all so we need to pray for all of them.
To be fair, every Latin country thinks they're superior to the one across the border from them. I've worked alongside someone from almost every SA country and they all say the same thing, "Those guys from X are so cocky..." Lol
Agreed. The point here is that evildoers are destroying all the countries including ours, but I believe all be ok with the help of Jesus.
For sure, they've turned us all against each other, preying on our most base instincts. They haven't been studying our psychology for nothing. I agree with you, God has a plan.
Hungry and Hangry!
Not really even close to be lynched.
They had the rope but let him get away in the van. I hope every politician in the US saw this.
Ill have to re watch. Missed the rope.
Looped in a man's hand as the van pulls forward.
Thanks! Username checks out!
Pretty sure that's a cable for one of their cameras
Just watched it full screen and you are correct. Cable works just as well as a rope.
Only one way to find out
These people haven't seen Beverly Hills Cop, if you want to stop a car without damaging it you stuff the tailpipe with objects (banana's in the tail pipe in the movie). Car will crap out in seconds if done reasonably well, keep that in mind for future reference commies.
Public lynchings.... What a novel idea.
Historically speaking peasants and the peasant class never really revolted until they actually had to face down the prospect of hunger as a direct consequence of their governments Tyranny.
"...and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
You know they are saying to him Son of the B a lot, they are hungry like in the rest of the world.
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This and worse needs to happen everywhere.
Wonder if we have it so good here it hasn’t yet broken us.
Doesn't this same thing keep getting posted? When did this a actually take place?
My post was 8 months ago.
I don't blame all the Argentina people, because as per usual with these fucks, they stole it.
But I wonder if the retards that actually voted for the criminals have woken up, or admit they were wrong at least.
I seriously doubt it.
Starving people are NOT continuing to vote for the people who are starving them. The elections worldwide have been rigged - with perhaps Putin, Bolsonaro, and Orban as prime examples of the exception.
Yeah, I know, that's why I said I don't blame ALL of the Argentine people, but we all know for a fact that a good part of them did vote to instate the regime that got them where they are now.
My only wonder is if these people are now awake and recognize their mistake or not.
The "day" of the rope is coming...SOON! NCSWIC..NOTHING..WWG1WGAWW!!
Yea I tend to agree. We had an obvious stolen election, we had obvious intentional release of a fucking bioweapon. Then we had mandates for vaccine.
People only started to get mad with gas prices. It is incredible the level of apathy we've witnessed. We actually deserve all of this for not paying attention.
I think once inflation gets high enough and the lower class is starving, they will revolt. It is getting close. How does a minimum wage worker fucking eat in this climate?