If you're not going to show your face why would you even have a camera enabled? Also these interviews are not done live so how would Dave not notice such a "glitch" before uploading?
Also these interviews are not done live so how would Dave not notice such a "glitch" before uploading?
Yep, that's the impossible part.
The only possible way this could happen is if praying medic had a glimpse of X22 on his side during the interview and then released the capture (not sure why he would do that), but of course that is not the case here since it has all the framing added, which is either added in editing or maybe during the capture in real time(to save on editing time later), but it would still only show on x22's side
Defo. What makes this cunt even worse is there is a victim out there that he is putting through all this again. That girls father/brother/BF/Husband should put the nonce down.
This man is a dirty fucking nonce. Anyone still supporting this fuck is a pedo apologist or more than likely a nonce too. He is desperate to hold on to his idiot audience who he makes a lot of money from. pedo scum.
Godlewski is a grifter and a criminal - do not listen to a word this moron has to say. Sorry to be harsh but this guy deserves it.
Deserves the biblical punishment for a pedo
If you're not going to show your face why would you even have a camera enabled? Also these interviews are not done live so how would Dave not notice such a "glitch" before uploading?
Yep, that's the impossible part.
The only possible way this could happen is if praying medic had a glimpse of X22 on his side during the interview and then released the capture (not sure why he would do that), but of course that is not the case here since it has all the framing added, which is either added in editing or maybe during the capture in real time(to save on editing time later), but it would still only show on x22's side
Pedo Phil is at it again with the lawsuits. 🙄
Phil needs the rope! Fake "truther" ans major grifting P.O.S.!
Defo. What makes this cunt even worse is there is a victim out there that he is putting through all this again. That girls father/brother/BF/Husband should put the nonce down.
Put down with pure and unadulterated vengeance
That's Joe Rogan.
We should send thousands of fake leads to flood the input with garbage and slow or stop him.
I heard he lives in Canada.
Flat Earth Phil is a grifter
Hiiiiiiii Dave?
Wow...video killed the radio star.
God does not sleep. He and his lawyer will get what they deserve.
Lawsuit for what?
Never never heard of him before. What do you know about him?
This man is a dirty fucking nonce. Anyone still supporting this fuck is a pedo apologist or more than likely a nonce too. He is desperate to hold on to his idiot audience who he makes a lot of money from. pedo scum.
Apologies for the ewe toob but hey, I couldn't help myself! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore, Goodbye