There was an episode of Superman: The Animated Series that did almost exactly this.
It was called "The Late Mr. Kent," and it's my favorite episode of that series.
Basically, in trying to exonerate an innocent man on Death Row, Clark's car is blown up while on the way to the governor's mansion. He admitted he could have just flown there as Superman and given him the proof of innocence, but that would have raised some awkward questions.
And because he was in the car AS CLARK KENT, he cannot be seen surviving the bomb without compromising his secret identity.
That would be awesome! Let's bring back Dean Kane to play superman as well! He's super based
OMG. Thats genius
And super hot!!
Kek as a man I can acknowledge that he's definitely attractive. No homo
There was an episode of Superman: The Animated Series that did almost exactly this.
It was called "The Late Mr. Kent," and it's my favorite episode of that series.
Basically, in trying to exonerate an innocent man on Death Row, Clark's car is blown up while on the way to the governor's mansion. He admitted he could have just flown there as Superman and given him the proof of innocence, but that would have raised some awkward questions.
And because he was in the car AS CLARK KENT, he cannot be seen surviving the bomb without compromising his secret identity.
It's a fantastic episode, check it out sometime.
That is just so cool.
Another scene perfectly illustrates why we can't go on GAW 24/7.
Going to his Earth parents as Superman, they say they're not mourning because "It's not like he's really dead! He just can't be Clark anymore."
Superman then says a line I'll never forget.
"But I AM Clark! I NEED to be Clark! I'd go CRAZY if I had to be Superman all the time!"
Cue Five for Fighting "Superman", a la Scrubs
Really enjoyed that.
Thank you.
And that's the core difference between Superman and Batman.
Superman is really Clark Kent.
Bruce Wayne is really Batman.
That sounds cool. Why idea where I might go to watch it?
thnx for that. I would have enjoyed watching.
This is brilliant
Hahahaha! We NEED our own film company!
NCSWIC films!
I’ll donate to your startup!
This meme goes deep.
Perfect! Can't wait to watch.
CIA wouldn't have to worry. NO really good journalist with even a tiny bit of integrity has a job anymore.
Oh the irony. Hilarious!
This is the funniest idea I’ve heard in a long time, 🤣🤣🤣. You must be a screenwriter. Brilliant.
We can see through C!A's schemes, too. We are all super!
A good journalist? What's that?
Both halves are true, just not connected to each other.