The leftards have a universal rebuttal now when you ask about the endless shady things the Obama's, Clinton's and Bidens have been pulling for years - they just say it's 'whattaboutism'. TDS is all they have so they have it built in to their matrix to ignore anything that doesn't line up.
The counter to the silly CIA “WhatAboutism” counter that lefty plebs try and use, is reminding them that our entire Judicial Precedent System is WHATABOUTISM… “but your honor what about X vs. X or what about the case Y vs Y”
“WhatAboutism” is a CIA / DS phrase to not have to own up to bullshit from the past.
Judicial Precedent System is the counter. Good luck brothers
Back in 2009, Under executive order 13489, Obama revoked Sec. 6 of Bush's EO 13233 on the Presidential records act. "Sec 6 - Right of congress and courts to gain access".
I don't know if this plays into any of this but a few months back I was doing a little digging into this drop and came across this info and thought it could be important in the future.
We must also not forget about the FBI's special office within a DNC lawyers office... We have to keep pushing that the FBI is a tool for our corrupt law makers
Hell, ask the guy who’s in charge of all of them about Oblahblah, he’s more pissed off than ANYONE. He was pissed then, now he’s probably screaming at the TV. Let’s help him. I’d like to hear what he has to say actually…🤔
5 years. Hmmmm
This is a huge proof
The leftards have a universal rebuttal now when you ask about the endless shady things the Obama's, Clinton's and Bidens have been pulling for years - they just say it's 'whattaboutism'. TDS is all they have so they have it built in to their matrix to ignore anything that doesn't line up.
Here’s a tip for all Q people.
The counter to the silly CIA “WhatAboutism” counter that lefty plebs try and use, is reminding them that our entire Judicial Precedent System is WHATABOUTISM… “but your honor what about X vs. X or what about the case Y vs Y”
“WhatAboutism” is a CIA / DS phrase to not have to own up to bullshit from the past.
Judicial Precedent System is the counter. Good luck brothers
Back in 2009, Under executive order 13489, Obama revoked Sec. 6 of Bush's EO 13233 on the Presidential records act. "Sec 6 - Right of congress and courts to gain access". - Obama's EO revoking Sec. 6. - Bush's EO
I don't know if this plays into any of this but a few months back I was doing a little digging into this drop and came across this info and thought it could be important in the future.
I think its pretty pertinent. Hussein was already planning how to safeguard the criminal evidence paper trail
What is Hussein's PL?
Doh! Never mind. Thought of it right after I clicked save lol I'll leave this here for your enjoyment.
is aktually penus library
So... Michael?
Could somebody please remind me what the context was for this post? Just for the sake of context.
They wouldn't understand. Apparently we were chosen for sight to actually be there for when the mass pop drinks their final cup of coffee.
We must also not forget about the FBI's special office within a DNC lawyers office... We have to keep pushing that the FBI is a tool for our corrupt law makers
Hell, ask the guy who’s in charge of all of them about Oblahblah, he’s more pissed off than ANYONE. He was pissed then, now he’s probably screaming at the TV. Let’s help him. I’d like to hear what he has to say actually…🤔
The doc are floating in the ocean outside his MV mansion.
The doc are floating in the ocean outside his MV mansion.
Moonlights as ANTIFA tank division
What's the armor class on that tank?
Pudding class.
Do chocolate and vanilla have the same specs? Lol
You mean they sent their top FBI hottie to MAL??? Sheesh!
Ha ha ha
Wearing full-back fart-catcher granny panties on his face
I didn’t know the FBI used tactical elephants.