I’m about to start a damn watch party tonight into tomorrow. Absolute proof, Absolute Interference, Absolutely 9-0, Scientific Proof, 2000 Mules, White Squall, etc. Yuge amounts of popcorn!
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That's pretty much where I am at. Until heads start rolling, the only thing I'm excited for is November 8th. Everything else just comes off as self serving fluff that also gets compromised in the process.
I get the wheels of justice are slow. I get certain things need to happen. But until we're free from the Satanic dollar, until justice is served, until all the bad guys are swinging from trees, until I know that an FBI or and fedboi detachment isn't gonna Ruby Ridge my ass, I'm gonna direct my energies where I choose.
Roe v Wade was a HUGE indicator of where things are headed. But we're still getting fucked on gas and inflation.
I'd watch gas prices closely, as if you weren't already.
They're going down.
And they're not gonna stop going down.
Biden's gonna get it under a dollar, mark my words.
How can you break a glass bauble?
If it's low to the ground, dropping it won't guarantee a crash.
First you have to raise it up as high as you can.
Then let it drop.
Trump got it to $1.89.
Biden took it up to $7 in some places.
Now comes the crash.
They HAVE TO implode the fiat dollar like they do every 60-70 years or so. This time they don't have an excuse like a world war or a housing bubble to blame so they can fire up new printing machines and reset the fiat petro-dollar clock.
It comes back to the Petro-Dollar.
Our Fiat money isn't based on the price of Oil. It's based on the Projection of Oil.
Like how some people think paper silver is the same as physical silver.
Biden's riding the lowering gas prices to fluff up Democrats in the midterm, sure.
But the primary motivation is to raise up the glass ceiling as high as it will go and then let it freefall into oblivion.
Then swoop in with a Universal NWO Currency during a manufactured famine to corral us into compliance with a completely digital currency -- the NWO Fiat Note.
We shall see. I also foresee economic disaster in September/October. Those are the months that they always blow up the economy. The billionaire/trillionaire Wall Street class already has all of their funds offloaded as much as they can into assets and off-shore tax havens, after they pumped everything up. Then you throw in the GME short-squeeze waiting to occur at any given moment that they can no longer suppress it. I am very interested to see if any "good guys" such as GME holders will indeed get a win here. I am also afraid of what the ramifications of imploding the economy like the Great Depression will have on the majority of our citizenry (normal, everyday people). My parents and many other family members of mine are already struggling to pay their bills, even though they work 50+ hours per week and have little to no debt. This inflation, failing economy, and stagnant wages can't sustain itself much longer.
Clearly your parents aren't working hard enough. They just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Trump got it down to $1.87, not $1.89. Very specific number, and he says it all the time.
How are you getting downvoted for this? I feel your right over the target. Maybe we do have a lot of shills on the GAW?
Very interesting write up. To me this would make sense of the new 87,000 irs agents to enforce this money exchange. Another anon had mentioned more about this yesterday.
I’m trying to find Q post 87, 187, and 870 to see if there’s any connections. My internet will not load them at all!