I think 4chan may be onto something here. All these "aquariums" on Google Maps which follow the same name formula and same outward characteristics. The pastebin summary and 4chan threads can explain it better than I can cuz lack of sleep.
Here's some links I saved:
PASTEBIN (summary):
#22: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/392080025
#21.5: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/392072527/
#21: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/392071029/
#15: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391955898
#14 (LASER ANON WENT TO SITE): https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391950269
#11.5 (Info Log): https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391915008
#11: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391914267
#10: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391895736
#9: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391887320
#8: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391876920
#7: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391874061
#6: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391854611
#5.5: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391831766
#5: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391831766
#4: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391821688
#3: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391817088
#2: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391813510
#1: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/391801809
If you're here, thank you to the anon who originally compiled this list of thread links which I copied.
Podesta's hand drawn fish comes to mind.
I saw this on 4 over the weekend, certainly seems to be something more going on, very strange. Thanks for the post.
Fish comms as whale. oops I mean as well.
You keep a fish in a container after hooking it.
There's also a lot of sexual euphemisms involving fish and aquariums.
Spill 'em. Don't be coy.
Lol pun intended?
Fish tank = girls.
Fish = jail/prison shit.
Aquarium = pee during blowjob.
I was just in it for the puns. Tuna, haggis, catfish, urchin, clam... anything has sexual innuendo and you don't even have to work to get there. I'm not discounting the thread, just having puns.
'That's what sea said' ___ SpongeBob Squarepants
Saw this on p.w also in the last couple of days:
It seems to be a pretty solid indicator of some organized crime activity (child abuse, drugs, marking out targets for later kidnapping/robbery/extortion) but at that time no theory more specific. You can rely on google to allow their services to be used for crime, especially the more sickening ones.
Plausible. I'm adding a few to archive.org that I didn't see listed.
EDIT: the most innocent explanation I can think of is actually espionage related. Go to these types of addresses if you're in trouble or need certain supplies.
Julie Green said aquarium would be in the news
Is she a profit-type person? Tbh it's hard for me to believe that kinda stuff but that is very oddly specific, so pretty intriguing.
These "aqauriums" are all on Google Maps with the names being two letters followed by the word "aquarium". In small towns in Texas. In shitty/semi-dilapidated buildings.
They are linked in some way to the website clearstar.com, a locksmith website that doesn't let you see most of the pages without signing up (and signing up requires 3 forms of ID). This locksmith website is like web 1.0, has balloons on it. The only clickable page I know of is the "Smile :-)" link which leads to a page that displays rotating different quotes, jokes, riddles...
An anon went to check one of these places out in person (posted pics in thread #14). Said there was a building labeled "Aquarium" with no evidence of people or anything fish-related around.
Other oddities include one of the "aquariums" having lots of children's bikes in the yard. And another with a sorta disappearing STOP sign in one of the windows.
Found this very interesting comment...
I'm Christian, so I have studied the Jews and their history a lot during my time here on The Great Awakening. Everything this guy says connects with other things I've read. I'm speaking specifically about his mention of Sabbateans and Occult things. He's right, normal Jews (aka normal people like you and me) don't like that evil crap because they are normal.
But that doesn't change the fact that there are still organized ancient religions that exist and can probably be studied. In fact, knowing some of the rules regarding their rituals could help stop the crimes before they occur. And understanding the truths posited by their religion will help understand how they think, and why they do what they do. Understanding these dark ancient religions (Worship of Baal, Molech, and "Sabbateans") are ultimately related to Satanic or Luciferian worship, is paramount.
Luciferianism is literally a pyramid scheme and all the false religions fall under it like branching roots. And so understanding the connection between these Worldviews and Ritual-Collections can help the Great Awakening to more precisely locate the True Enemy, the loci of Principalities and Powers that we are supposed to be warring against.
Even Podesta is linked by photos to worship of the Fish-deity-thing (Ultimately I believe they are fallen Angels who are bent on destroying us), and there are many other examples other anons could bring up that show the symbolism of fish imagery appearing amongst our research.
If the anon who left this comment is even slightly on to something, then this would be an enlightening (pun intended) twist on the uncovering of this EVIL organized crime.
This movie is getting fishier by the minute...
I hear ya. I know some get a bit offended here when jewish people are called out, and they want us to qualify it by naming "the correct" jews or KM or whathaveyou. I don't think anyone is saying that all jews are evil, at least I don't mean that. It just is evident that a bit of a larger percentage of them are in control of all the institutions that are hurting the people.
I appreciate your post though and want to look into this stuff later today.
ClearStar lists their HQ, looking it up on Google Street View leads to another shitty-looking building...
ClearStar Security Network
Auction Payments
4454 Lopez Avenue
Port Townsend, WA 98368