The Moon landings may have been real, but that doesn't mean the footage was. It also doesn't mean the programs were real (we could have been to the moon by other methods than "Saturn V"), or that the shuttle explosions weren't contrived, etc.
That doesn't mean I think any of those things are true. I have no idea, but there is evidence that supports all of those things.
I agree that Q didn't address it, which was the implicit motivation of my statement.
The response chain you responded too however stated implicitly a belief that NASA's moon missions were accurate as presented. You responded in disagreement with a statement that disagreed with that. While I agree you didn't explicitly address it, within context, since you didn't further qualify yourself, you did address it implicitly.
Your indoctrination may be the most intense out of anyone. Some will never see the truth. I’m sorry they lied to you all your life. Time to grow up.
Q said moon landings are real.
Q said disinformation is necessary
Think about this. Why would Q put out disinformation about the moon if black hats were the ones who created the lie in the first place?
Okay so Alex Jones is probably a White Hat.
The Moon landings may have been real, but that doesn't mean the footage was. It also doesn't mean the programs were real (we could have been to the moon by other methods than "Saturn V"), or that the shuttle explosions weren't contrived, etc.
That doesn't mean I think any of those things are true. I have no idea, but there is evidence that supports all of those things.
I didn’t address any of that. Neither did Q.
I agree that Q didn't address it, which was the implicit motivation of my statement.
The response chain you responded too however stated implicitly a belief that NASA's moon missions were accurate as presented. You responded in disagreement with a statement that disagreed with that. While I agree you didn't explicitly address it, within context, since you didn't further qualify yourself, you did address it implicitly.
Please do your own research. Why didn’t Q tell us the Challenger exploding was fake? Seems like that would wake a lot of people up. I guess I’ll do it for ya.
MadDad, thank you so much for the good hardy laugh this morning!
Houston, you have a problem. Wakey wakey eggs and bakey.