You sound very bitter, so a word of advice. Instead of focusing on the faults of the women you seek to date, work on yourself. You may think this is cliche but it's the best thing you can do whenever you find yourself in a romantic rut. Having a partner whom you love and who loves you back for who you are (not money or car or height) is a blessing bestowed upon you by God. You have to earn it. Work hard on your own faults (anger, envy, pride etc.) and your romantic life might just improve...
You're confusing bitter with stated realism. All I did was quote facts emphatically.
I'm not in any kind of mental distress, romantically or otherwise. I'm not the problem... it's American women need to catch up. Sadly, this generation of American women won't catch up until they're herding cats around their miserable lonely apartment in their 40's wondering why the dates have dried up.
Sucks for them cause they sure as shit ain't latching onto me after they've wasted their youthful reproductive years blowing their backs out on men who discard them in the same bin with the soggy condom.
"American women are superficial dumpster trash. Pure and utter garbage." Those are facts? No, you're bitter, and the way you talk about women is ugly. Not a big surprise why you're not doing well with them. Millions of Americans - including women - are happily married, raising great families, and working to make America great again. Where I live, there are plenty of men around 5'6" and they do just fine with women. Maybe it's your location. I know a man around that height who said he didn't even know he was short until he moved to the Midwest.
What kind of woman are you looking for? A gorgeous, hot woman with long blond hair, long legs, perfect body, perfect teeth, no flaws? Or just an ordinary, pretty, caring woman who may not be perfect on the outside? Have you even looked at the latter? or just the 'hot' ones?
You're both correct. There is a well established and a well acknowledged height advantage, but that could also be making him bitter.
Now that said, if you're into that sort of thing, there are a good few women out there who are specifically interested in having shorter men. They're just fewer.
Best advice tends to be just to get out, interact with people (as hilariously poorly timed as this is for 99% of the population) and live your life.
Looking too hard will just make you feel bitter. Showing off your money will just make you seem shallow or attract the wrong kind of woman anyway.
When you have a height disadvantage, the best thing to do is to focus on being social and being yourself.
Perhaps a new 3 piece suit would shift focus from your height and present a more traditionally masculine air.
Perhaps building your chest and arms up (don't forget your legs) will change your image. Maybe change the length of the beard, or shave it entirely. A good beard of various lengths can attract many different women, or put them off.
If you've got a beard, maybe get into the beardsman life. Experiment with different oils and fragrances. Scent is a powerful thing.
Presentation is important. There are many ways we can modify our presentation if we are trying to attract people. Key is to not become something you aren't though.
Looking too hard will just make you feel bitter. Showing off your money will just make you seem shallow or attract the wrong kind of woman anyway.
I think that’s where they get the term Napoleon complex. Most (not all) of the short men I’ve worked with always came off as insecure and had to flex to show what they have or who they banged or whatever thing they think tall men talk about. Just came off as off putting. The ones that loved themselves and their short stature always were easy going and good humored. And in turn had no issues with finding a mate bc they weren’t trying too hard.
Dude, just stop. You are absolutely clueless. Being an man under 5”9’ is a severe handicap that very few American women will overlook. OP will have to go to a foreign country where the native men a tinier than he is in order for him to have a decent chance at finding a mate.
“You have to earn it.” Juxtaposed that advice to the women who throw themselves onto men who obviously “haven’t earned it” and you get begin the understand the confusion and resentment somebody could take with your suggestion.
I really think that the people down-voting these comments live in some kind of idealized 2010, or before, past. The dating world has change so drastically and completely since around 2010 that it's not even recognizable anymore.
The "just go out there and earn it and be confident and work out and dress better" crowd are truly and utterly clueless. I am a very confident man. I don't walk around staring at my shoes. I keep my head up, shoulders back, make eye contact, smile and am very sociable. I work out daily. I dress well, but not flashy... but I'm a swipe-right to the vast majority of women because I don't hit first six in the 666 rule.
Then I'll see a 6' tall dude meeting a woman out somewhere that I know she matched on a dating app. You can just tell when a couple is meeting the first time from a dating app. I can take one look at this dude and know he's gonna smash and trash her and then she'll be on tiktok tomorrow crying her eyes out about "Why do all the good men keep ghosting me after I let them smash me on the first date??!?"
You sound very bitter, so a word of advice. Instead of focusing on the faults of the women you seek to date, work on yourself. You may think this is cliche but it's the best thing you can do whenever you find yourself in a romantic rut. Having a partner whom you love and who loves you back for who you are (not money or car or height) is a blessing bestowed upon you by God. You have to earn it. Work hard on your own faults (anger, envy, pride etc.) and your romantic life might just improve...
You're confusing bitter with stated realism. All I did was quote facts emphatically.
I'm not in any kind of mental distress, romantically or otherwise. I'm not the problem... it's American women need to catch up. Sadly, this generation of American women won't catch up until they're herding cats around their miserable lonely apartment in their 40's wondering why the dates have dried up.
Sucks for them cause they sure as shit ain't latching onto me after they've wasted their youthful reproductive years blowing their backs out on men who discard them in the same bin with the soggy condom.
"American women are superficial dumpster trash. Pure and utter garbage." Those are facts? No, you're bitter, and the way you talk about women is ugly. Not a big surprise why you're not doing well with them. Millions of Americans - including women - are happily married, raising great families, and working to make America great again. Where I live, there are plenty of men around 5'6" and they do just fine with women. Maybe it's your location. I know a man around that height who said he didn't even know he was short until he moved to the Midwest.
No offense but the real question is "if you were stripped of the glitz what do you have to offer???"
I don't fart rainbows and shit piles of glitter, so I reject the premise of that question.
Doesn't sound to me like your problem is height.
There's your problem.
What kind of woman are you looking for? A gorgeous, hot woman with long blond hair, long legs, perfect body, perfect teeth, no flaws? Or just an ordinary, pretty, caring woman who may not be perfect on the outside? Have you even looked at the latter? or just the 'hot' ones?
You're both correct. There is a well established and a well acknowledged height advantage, but that could also be making him bitter.
Now that said, if you're into that sort of thing, there are a good few women out there who are specifically interested in having shorter men. They're just fewer.
Best advice tends to be just to get out, interact with people (as hilariously poorly timed as this is for 99% of the population) and live your life.
Looking too hard will just make you feel bitter. Showing off your money will just make you seem shallow or attract the wrong kind of woman anyway.
When you have a height disadvantage, the best thing to do is to focus on being social and being yourself.
Perhaps a new 3 piece suit would shift focus from your height and present a more traditionally masculine air.
Perhaps building your chest and arms up (don't forget your legs) will change your image. Maybe change the length of the beard, or shave it entirely. A good beard of various lengths can attract many different women, or put them off.
If you've got a beard, maybe get into the beardsman life. Experiment with different oils and fragrances. Scent is a powerful thing.
Presentation is important. There are many ways we can modify our presentation if we are trying to attract people. Key is to not become something you aren't though.
I think that’s where they get the term Napoleon complex. Most (not all) of the short men I’ve worked with always came off as insecure and had to flex to show what they have or who they banged or whatever thing they think tall men talk about. Just came off as off putting. The ones that loved themselves and their short stature always were easy going and good humored. And in turn had no issues with finding a mate bc they weren’t trying too hard.
Dude, just stop. You are absolutely clueless. Being an man under 5”9’ is a severe handicap that very few American women will overlook. OP will have to go to a foreign country where the native men a tinier than he is in order for him to have a decent chance at finding a mate.
“You have to earn it.” Juxtaposed that advice to the women who throw themselves onto men who obviously “haven’t earned it” and you get begin the understand the confusion and resentment somebody could take with your suggestion.
I really think that the people down-voting these comments live in some kind of idealized 2010, or before, past. The dating world has change so drastically and completely since around 2010 that it's not even recognizable anymore.
The "just go out there and earn it and be confident and work out and dress better" crowd are truly and utterly clueless. I am a very confident man. I don't walk around staring at my shoes. I keep my head up, shoulders back, make eye contact, smile and am very sociable. I work out daily. I dress well, but not flashy... but I'm a swipe-right to the vast majority of women because I don't hit first six in the 666 rule.
Then I'll see a 6' tall dude meeting a woman out somewhere that I know she matched on a dating app. You can just tell when a couple is meeting the first time from a dating app. I can take one look at this dude and know he's gonna smash and trash her and then she'll be on tiktok tomorrow crying her eyes out about "Why do all the good men keep ghosting me after I let them smash me on the first date??!?"