That's right. We should have empathy - and don't think the US will escape this as some sort of haven of normalcy. This is a global program and no one will be "left behind", so to say.
How could NATO possibly go back on its agreement to leave Ukraine alone and not solicit to become a Russian adversary, and expect Putin to sit there and take it?
Of course, he shuts off the gas.
Maybe they can get it back if they rethink their stance.
The reason is that the turbine needed to maintain the supply needs repairing by a company from Canada… But because of the sanctions they are not permitted to work on the turbine in order for supply from Russia….
Sanctions are once again hitting the Russians where it hurts….. Oh! No! … wait…! 😉
"The Russian firm said it has informed German manufacturer Siemens about the turbine failure and the need for an overhaul."
This is the second turbine, the first was overhauled and never returned to Russia
Everyone laughs, it is just a little oil leak, I would assume these things are gigantic turbines to push the LNG through the pipes. Any oil leak would not be trivial. I personally don't think Putin gets a lot of happiness out of freezing little children and babies this winter.
You're on this forum, yet instead of a 40'000 ft view you have a 4 inch view. Haven't you realized yet that global politics are Kabuki theater? This is orchestrated and there's a plan for the US just as much as there is for Europe and Asia etc. Can't you see the US is already being destroyed from within? They know what it takes for certain nations to break down.
But yes, all of this is due to virtue signaling and Europeans have it coming, just like the US has it coming because of their tranny nonsense. Yep.
Are you a Ukrainian flag waving sheep? If not then this cheap jab was not aimed at you. But you better have contingencies in place for the winter coming because we don't know how far these assholes are going to get with their global agenda before they're brought down. Ultimately God wins. But in the meantime, buckle up because winter without heat is no joke. Been there done that. It was NOT fun!!! Which is why I would never attack my main source of heating my home.
As far as my 4 inch view: I was red pilled by reading prophecy books. Literal ones. You know the kind made of paper. I've been looking at the world stage from a 40,000 ft view for decades. Piece by piece, I've seen the agenda slowly fall into place as described in those prophecy books I read so long ago. Don't confuse a cheap jab at blue pilled Europeans as a myopic view of the world stage.
So the EU communist leadership got together and decided, we're only paying this amount and we're not paying in rubles, which is what Putin asked them to.
Citing alleged “mechanical problems” with the Nord Stream pipeline, Russian authorities on Friday said they were shutting off natural gas to Europe indefinitely, a move that further puts the continent on a possible path to an energy crisis.
If I remember this properly, the pipeline uses Turbo compressors from Siemens.
The Russians sent many of them to be repaired in Canada, but due to sanctions they can't get them back. So they are left with failing compressors because of sanctions
Remember that time Trump addressed the UN and warned Europe … namely Germany this was coming and they laughed at him. How do you say ‘suck it’ in German?
What makes you think it won't be a very cold winter in the US as well this year. All they have to do is keep having glitches in the power grid to inflict the same pain on the US.
Today I watched the Sikinos I, an oil tanker going to the port of Mobile, AL. Ship was finishing a trip that began 7/19 from Al Basrah, Iraq. Manifest said it's loaded with fuel oil from Russia.
Extra Cold Winter Coming!
More like shit"STORM".
should have said it was to combat climate change lol
Europe poked all the Russian Bears one too many times. We all know the saying here... FAAFO!!
Feel horrible for the innocent people in these countries who are sadly being used as pawns by the ruling class fascists snobs.
That's right. We should have empathy - and don't think the US will escape this as some sort of haven of normalcy. This is a global program and no one will be "left behind", so to say.
How could NATO possibly go back on its agreement to leave Ukraine alone and not solicit to become a Russian adversary, and expect Putin to sit there and take it?
Of course, he shuts off the gas.
Maybe they can get it back if they rethink their stance.
That’s a misleading headline….
The reason is that the turbine needed to maintain the supply needs repairing by a company from Canada… But because of the sanctions they are not permitted to work on the turbine in order for supply from Russia….
Sanctions are once again hitting the Russians where it hurts….. Oh! No! … wait…! 😉
Any sauce ? That sounds very interesting !
"The Russian firm said it has informed German manufacturer Siemens about the turbine failure and the need for an overhaul."
This is the second turbine, the first was overhauled and never returned to Russia
Everyone laughs, it is just a little oil leak, I would assume these things are gigantic turbines to push the LNG through the pipes. Any oil leak would not be trivial. I personally don't think Putin gets a lot of happiness out of freezing little children and babies this winter.
Any comment from Lindsay Graham & John Kerry now? Of course not- pukes.
Absolutely true. Where's their megaphone 📣 now?
Stuffed with freshly laundered cash from Ukraine
Worse case scenario, they can always keep warm by wrapping themselves in all those Ukrainian flags they bought to virtue signal with.
You're on this forum, yet instead of a 40'000 ft view you have a 4 inch view. Haven't you realized yet that global politics are Kabuki theater? This is orchestrated and there's a plan for the US just as much as there is for Europe and Asia etc. Can't you see the US is already being destroyed from within? They know what it takes for certain nations to break down. But yes, all of this is due to virtue signaling and Europeans have it coming, just like the US has it coming because of their tranny nonsense. Yep.
Are you a Ukrainian flag waving sheep? If not then this cheap jab was not aimed at you. But you better have contingencies in place for the winter coming because we don't know how far these assholes are going to get with their global agenda before they're brought down. Ultimately God wins. But in the meantime, buckle up because winter without heat is no joke. Been there done that. It was NOT fun!!! Which is why I would never attack my main source of heating my home.
As far as my 4 inch view: I was red pilled by reading prophecy books. Literal ones. You know the kind made of paper. I've been looking at the world stage from a 40,000 ft view for decades. Piece by piece, I've seen the agenda slowly fall into place as described in those prophecy books I read so long ago. Don't confuse a cheap jab at blue pilled Europeans as a myopic view of the world stage.
So the EU communist leadership got together and decided, we're only paying this amount and we're not paying in rubles, which is what Putin asked them to.
What did they expect Putin to do??
Give them the gas for free in true socilist fashion of course
Citing alleged “mechanical problems” with the Nord Stream pipeline, Russian authorities on Friday said they were shutting off natural gas to Europe indefinitely, a move that further puts the continent on a possible path to an energy crisis.
If I remember this properly, the pipeline uses Turbo compressors from Siemens.
The Russians sent many of them to be repaired in Canada, but due to sanctions they can't get them back. So they are left with failing compressors because of sanctions
Just say "supply chain issues" This aged well Trump was right again !
A lot of innocent people are going to suffer. And voter fraud is hardly unique to the United States.
Remember that time Trump addressed the UN and warned Europe … namely Germany this was coming and they laughed at him. How do you say ‘suck it’ in German?
I can't wait to watch the shit-show from afar.
What makes you think it won't be a very cold winter in the US as well this year. All they have to do is keep having glitches in the power grid to inflict the same pain on the US.
And the German delegation laughed.... Laugh now, MF'ers...
Today I watched the Sikinos I, an oil tanker going to the port of Mobile, AL. Ship was finishing a trip that began 7/19 from Al Basrah, Iraq. Manifest said it's loaded with fuel oil from Russia.
China wants it so China gets it