332 Has *the* Storm begun? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by penisse 2 years ago by penisse +335 / -3 59 comments download share 59 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Comms, comms, everywhere comms.
"iT's JuSt A cOiNcIdInCe"
Which... have been AWEFULLY quiet lately. Like not even swarms of handshakes have been popping up or long articulated complaining... hmmm.
There's still some, they're more subtle and have older accounts.
and they walk single file to hide their numbers
These complaints aren't precise enough to be Doomerfaggots
banning "two more weeks" has been very effective
like Giuliani cleaning up the subways
The funny part is that I see two deleted comments under this.
Just sad I missed what they were.
But they were handshake accounts so it could have been anything from doomfaggotry to sexy singles in our area.
Comms, comms
Everywhere a comm
Blockin' out the Deep State
Fakin' out your mom
Done in 30, Storm is here.
Can't you read the comms?
I was impressed too.
came here just to say this but you beat me to it. ass
Just the CIA/MI6 conditioning the peeps that things are likely gonna get tough this winter for some.