This is a question that I'm throwing open to every single person visiting this website, nay, our online home.
If there's one thing that the main stream media, the politicians, the social media giants and all of the elites and the military industrial complex are (still) able to do truly well, it is the task of spreading negativity, fear, depression, hatred and hopelessness amongst us ALL. Let's give them their credit where credit's due, they've mastered this particular area of expertise; hell, they've almost turned it into an art form, not to mention a cold, cunning and calculated form of science as well.
And it is the one thing that hurts us all the most. That hurts our movement the most. That hurts our very lives the most.
Bad company takes down everyone with it. For example, if you watch horror movies all day, every day; the day won't come too far when you're even scared of sleeping without the lights on.
I want you all to reflect upon what you generally see on this site every day. It's like the plandemic, the elite rulers and their dark acts, and all of them related things live rent free in our head on here 24x7x365. And don't get me wrong, I'm not asking anyone to bury their heads in the sand here. But to consume all of this darkness and negativity non stop, to what extent are we even taking it in here and will it ever even end?
If you put a single rotten fruit with a bunch of multiple nicely ripening fruits, it's not too long until the rot spreads itself to all fruits, and far rapidly than the rate that the said fruits would otherwise decay at.
The more that we focus constantly, consistently and ONLY upon the darkness, negativity and depravity within our world; the more do we make it a part and parcel of our very lives. And, soon enough, every last happening you look at seems evil (even when it necessarily isn't). Every last person that you look at looks and feels suspicious. Every third person you meet on the street seems to have some, secret, hidden, and evil agenda. Every second thought you have is one that pulls you down, instead of pushing you (and all those around you) up.
And that's EXACTLY how satan wins. It's a time-tested mechanism of those of the dark to bring down powerful movements through infiltration, divide-and-conquer, demoralization, and, above all, fear-based programming. Brainwashing. Hypnosis.
What worse a satanic infiltration than one that occupies your very mind?
This bears repetition.
What WORSE a satanic infiltration than one that occupies and rots your very MIND?
I'm not the one to offer suggestions and advice this time round. Because I'm not the only one here with a thinking mind. Not in a literal hive of autists and anons anyways. This is our collective board. Our collective HOME.
It is time for us all to get together, get our shit together, and face and resolve our own darknesses once and for all.
Thank you all for being a part of The Great Awakening.
Enjoy the show. (for a reason)
EDIT: A beautiful related read... (please read with an open mind)
More Meme Magic
Stop country bashing and women hating, the enemy wants us divided, that's why the world is like is. Most people on earth are very friendly, helpful, generous people who want to be left alone and live their life happily. WWG1WGA
Thank you for mentioning that.
To the general audience: never forget there are MANY based women here too. When woman hating messages are posted, your good and patriotic countrywomen are being subjected to this nastiness. Idiots come in both sexes, so limit your vitriol to idiocy, not to one sex in general.
I think a lot of women hating stems from the feminism movement.
edit: plus men who are weak
This 100%. It has been my experience that women set the moral tone for a family. The feminist movement has ruined that. There are many women that hate the feminist movement and blame it for many of the problems we have today.
Weak men just piss me off. Worse are the ones that buy into all the woke shit and use the woke double speak to try and appear morally superior.
P.S. - I love this place because of every one of you. Even when we don't agree.
Your P.S. describes my affection for GAW to a T.
I try to consistently remind haters that the indoctrination systems were owned and managed by corrupt men and were very purposeful. Hating those who were programmed is simply feeding the satanist program. They really don't like hearing that, because they like having someone else to point the finger at, instead of owning up to their own complacence. Because then they'd have to get up and build instead of throw rocks?
Quite possibly the best current day explanation of the self battle against evil I have read.
Short, concise & effective.
Kek, thank you. It's been through quite a few iterations among different sites. I don't trike expect to change a hater's mind directly, but hopefully it will help refocus readers and let them think before falling into the same hate rut.
You've hit the nail on the head here coz this REALLY needs to stop. If we copy the same tendencies that we criticize feminism for, then we have no rights left to call THEM out on THEIR man-hate-fuelled cult shit.
Can you please tell my son in law that. It’s not so much hate as belittlement. He doesn’t believe that God gVe me the mission plan for Camp Yesu or dreams or visions because I am a woman who in his interpretation of the Bible should never lead anything, of my Sunday church attendance though I worship God daily, and that we we don’t eat kosher. We both believe in and worship God, he and his brother (my other son in law) and our girls have become Messianic Jews (aka born again previously in Baptist church and believe Jesus is Messiah and Son of God). I say otherwise. God appointed and gave authority to many women in the Bible. here is a different look at it from a rabbi that has given me an new line of thought to consider.
I am a few minutes in and I wonder. Who was the scribe historian who identified down to the hour at the beginning of the world?
There is no such thing as a Messianic Jew. Nor a Judeo-Christian nor a Christian Jew. Jew is an incorrect translation in modern bibles. Jew is no more a race than a Christian is. Jew today means a practitioner of Judaism aka a follower of the Babylonian Talmud i.e. a Satanic anti-Christ book.
Judaism is Communism by their own words.
Now regarding women and scripture by the 12th Apostle Paul chosen by the Lord.
1 Timothy 2:12 King James Version
"12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety."
The Torah is what they follow and believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
Esther 4:14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
"Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled." ~ Titus 2:3-5
"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue." ~ Proverbs 31:26 "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30
Then there’s Miriam and Deborah and Ruth among many others.
Get behind me, SHILL. Seriously, you bots are all quoting the same (out of context) scriptures now? Real GA gentlemen know what’s up. #fakephonyandfalse
Yes, exactly.
Yes, yes and YES.