The left and libtards are UTTERLY and hypocritically reprehensible. They can attempt to spin this MV nonsense any way they want...but enough people are awake to recognize their elitist NIMBY-ism for what it REALLY is. They are fucking SCUM.
They're not coming to their senses, they think this is all Ron DeSantis's fault. Coming to their senses would mean realizing that illegal immigrants don't belong here in the first place.
They even stopped calling them "undocumented" and went back to "illegal"
BAHAHAHAAH!!! I can't believe I didn't notice that before.
Some times you have to show people the truth. This movie getting spicy finally
'bout damn time!
The left and libtards are UTTERLY and hypocritically reprehensible. They can attempt to spin this MV nonsense any way they want...but enough people are awake to recognize their elitist NIMBY-ism for what it REALLY is. They are fucking SCUM.
maybe illegals will vote GOP soon? -eyeroll-
Please. Don't give Utah any ideas.
They're not coming to their senses, they think this is all Ron DeSantis's fault. Coming to their senses would mean realizing that illegal immigrants don't belong here in the first place.
But they're suffering from public criticism which is their worst fear. That's good enough for me.