The first step was legalizing premarital sex thus inventing the "between two consenting adults" argument.
The second step was either not having statutory rape laws apply or just not enforcing them when both parties are underage thus normalizing minors having sex.
But even here where almost every other post is about seeing a pedophile under ever rock you still can't see these major advances made against our children's innocence.
Thanks for the lecture asshole. Now onto the real bad guy in all this… the actual pedophile
Once it's legal there will be nothing you can do about it and your kids will be raised to think it's wrong to persecute pedophiles. You can't wait until the last minute.
Besides another kid will take your kid's innocence just as well as an adult would so they need to be treated as just as much of a threat.
The police and if they fail to prosecute then it goes on the community to enforce morality.
I mean you have them enforce all the other laws, including pedophilia related crimes.
That same argument will be used to molest your kids.
Generation after generation that line has been moved to the point that the only thing that is over the line is child molestation.
Well yes? It's either that or some form of pseudo anarchy where just citing a moral principal you're upholding is enough to get you off the hook for what would otherwise be serious crimes without at least one of those two options our morality will decay to the point of non-existence like it currently has been.
I'm sure there are ways to determine if sex was had even minutes after the event, there's no reason we can't have police show up for a check up if someone reports suspected moral violations.
You can't rely on kids to act morally and especially not when it comes to sex. Their own drive for sex and a relationship is our worst enemy when it comes to preserving their innocence until they are of age.
Nah I'm just one of the few people left with a strong sense of morality that extends far further than the intent of the laws I live under.
Not door to door, only in response to a call.
Its theories like this that gets normies fatigued about pedophilia when one of us try to broach the topic.
No, I'm pretty sure that's you guys accusing everyone who disagrees with you of pedophilia. The points I raise are major steps that the agenda would have a much harder time advancing without.
Not me, it's just I've seen a lot of wild accusations being thrown around here, such as all democrat supporters being pedophiles even when that's a pretty mild selling point of the party in comparison to the promises of hand outs taken from the wallets of the tax payer.
For a shill you are pretty bad one. Might have to go back to the shill school to get better. I sure hope you are a shill, because the alternative would be someone with 2 digit IQ.
What you just drooled is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in this rambling incoherent comment were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.
Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it.
Deporting time!
Obvious shill
I'm not a shill, I see premarital sex as a gateway to many forms of degeneracy including pedophilia, and I view sex between minors as just as damaging as if it was an adult and a minor. You can see all this from my post history that goes month back.
This is your only post
My only thread here, but I have a long comment history in other subs that will back up my point.
turbo faggot redditor has entered the battle. Dude, you lefties stick out like sore thumbs, quit trying to blend in.
I'm farther right and more pro-tradition than any of you posers could be. Most posters here hold values that would be considered far left just a few decades ago.
So, you're fine with police coming in and "collecting" samples from people's private areas, where even some doctors fear to tread? There would be police in jail for more than collecting.
Oh, and let's be sure this violation of a person is done on the word of some vindictive anonymous caller.. yeah.. NO.
So you're okay with your future wife and daughter slutting around before marriage and having no idea their sexual history?
I am the wife and I never slutted. My daughters haven't either. There is such a thing as morality and a code of ethics and decency. When parents teach it to their children along with expectations and support, it's a way to live. Granted, no one is perfect, but it doesn't mean people should give up their personal responsibility. Personal, not the States. I suggest you research prohibition. It might give you a clue as to the problems with your thought processes. People need Jesus and decent parenting, not invasive laws and red guard snooping neighbors.
Never slept with a man before marriage even if you thought you were going to "spend the rest of your lives together"?
How can you be sure?
They'll still have the personal responsibility to engage in self control, only now there will be harsher consequences.
This would be different as it would be policing human interaction rather than material goods. Besides, all the anti-prohibition arguements also apply to other controlled substances.
I don't see how they're mutually exclusive, as is we don't really have a way of policing our community and options for disciplining our children are somewhat limited especially if they're let out of your sight at any time such as at school when you can't keep track of what they're doing.
What makes you think no one cares?
General attitude I've seen of everyone I've mentioned those steps to.
None of us even care. You Fuckwit !
That's kind of my point.
Good news fren, Mississippi and Idaho are still very much hung up on sex before marriage:
You can now move there and put your pecker where your mouth is.
OOC in your mind, who gets charged with rape when two 14 year olds consent? I mean its obviously the guy cause guys are way more mature amirite? Or do you charge both with raping each other? Should they do hard time (no pun intended)? Maybe send them to church to pray? A fine? Of course fines are only a penalty to those who can't pay easily... Personally I think 250 is cheap for some forbidden poon.
Are those laws still enforced though? Laws are meaningless if there's nothing backing them.
Both, and the woman should get equal or greater sentance than the woman as women are more seductive while guys are trained to have to take every chance they get.
Tell us ur a pedo without saying ur a pedo OP
It's not that none of us care. It's that we needed that one Anon--you--to put it in perspective. Thanks.
Midterms are coming up. We do our part by voting. Q will take care of the rest.
I can't even tell if this is satire or not.