did we just enter darkness?
mil 'exercise' in phoenix, possibly other metro areas
financial cabal ready to topple
comms, time of queen lowered into ground
biden says covid over
legal white hat progress
illegals(?) being pumped into blue areas- triggering natl guard deployments
what else anons?
That really sucks Purk. At least you have that sexy accent though, so....
🤣🤣🤣 Thanks...that made me laugh...😎
We had a guy from SA come to Canada to be a worship leader at our church. The accent is fantastic.
Purk is a GAW legend. Of course there would be a sexy (no homo) accent. Meanwhile, im over here sounding like a bag of smashed assholes
User name ch….well, doesn’t quite check out lol
I'd been in labor for hours with my first son & then we found out my OB was out of town and his on-call OB was on his way, "But you'll love him, and you'll LOVE his accent." My husband got so pissed, lol.
Whew, glad Im not the only one.
I may have you bested tho fren. I sound like smashed assholes but with an accent. ;)
Yeah, I can't compete with that. Its so "Right Said Fred" that I damn near did a little turn on the catwalk.
Lol I wish I had a deep voice like that dude. I sound like an out of time ska band from Baltika on vacation in the Smokies.
For reference and, well, just because:
Queefs and homos and assholes, oh my.
Yes but only one of those is usually clean. Usually.
Saudi Arabian?
South Africa