posted ago by rupedoggydawg ago by rupedoggydawg +43 / -0

Something has always nagged at me. Maybe this is a little out there but what if what we look at as their gaffes like Kama saying "Our alliance with North Korea" is not a gaffe at all? What if in order to retain their power they have to be open and honest (in a way) with who and what they are? Like a hidden rule/understanding. It reminds me of the old series Lost where Jacob and the Man in Black were playing a game that had a set of rules to adhere by. Symbolism will be their down fall. All these pedos openly flaunt their membership. They have symbols on their companies, wear rings, necklaces... We have all seen it. It's obvious to us, but hidden to those who are still asleep. Maybe the great deceiver can only deceive with half truths and lies. What the left sees as gaffes by Trump we see as part of the game he is playing. It's all a giant game of 5D chess. Something to ponder. Maybe we should list some of their obvious gaffes and look more into them. We know Joe has a bunch. Remember Hillary and her demon glass art book?