yh we discussed that possibility this time last year when China's housing companies were going under which was supposed to bring down the world's economies...
Louisiana’s AG has led the way for many of the lawsuits that gained traction over Covid like medical and school mandates.
If Louisiana ever succeeded, it would be the richest nation due to the fossil fuel resources they have. The federal gov’t takes an enormous amount of revenue from the taxes they impose. Blackrock is a start and seeing the treasurer creating an United front with the AG is how the states start to take control back.
That company will soon be owned by the long suffering population who had wokeness hammered into their simple daily loves. Trace it through all the H.R. departments.
Blackrock controls trillions of dollars of pensions, 401k funds and other investments from large and small organizations like the State of Louisiana.
Because Blackrock controls so much wealth and invests into major companies, they control the CEOs and Boards of those companies. It's a "do as we say or we will sell 10% of your stock and crash your stock price--resulting in no performance bonus for you.
Because Blackrock is so big, they can move the market, meaning other investment firms follow their advice. If Blackrock says they're going to sell AAPL, everyone else will try to sell AAPL first to avoid the losses. This amplifies the prior mentioned control effect.
Blackrock promoted the stupid ESG report standards for corporate Extermination, Stupidity, and Grift (you can look up the real meaning if you are curious) that all CEOs and Boards are contorting over themselves to comply with so Blackrock continues recommending their stock for investment. This has resulted in a ton of bad strategic moves to comply with Blackrock demands rather than building great products and services.
Pulling funds out of Blackrock and putting them under some other firms management (or managing them yourself) is the ONLY way we can say fuck you to Blackrock.
Is Black Rock doing badly because assets are being siezed?...as in foreign countries forced to vacate lands, businesses and assets they hold?....like ordered in Trump's EO 13848?
Welll...this is going to leave a mark on BlackRock...Now...when are the other states who have investments with BR unload their BR shares???? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!
Let the dominoes begin to fall.
Do Vanguard and State Street too.
Exactly. Let the fun begin.
yh we discussed that possibility this time last year when China's housing companies were going under which was supposed to bring down the world's economies...
Divest means remove. This is great.
As in « the opposite of invest ».
Make BlackRock hit Rock-bottom.
The trick is to get the CEOs of the BlackRock portfolios (Use Disney for example)
Go woke go broke is a violation of the shareholder's interest.
Article: https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/louisiana-divests-blackrock-esg-policies-destroy-louisiana-economy
Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20221005183807/https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/louisiana-divests-blackrock-esg-policies-destroy-louisiana-economy
Where is that money going to go though? Im genuinely curious cause personally id like to avoid the vanguard/blackrock mafia where possible.
Probably Ukraine 😂
... bitcoin
Louisiana’s AG has led the way for many of the lawsuits that gained traction over Covid like medical and school mandates.
If Louisiana ever succeeded, it would be the richest nation due to the fossil fuel resources they have. The federal gov’t takes an enormous amount of revenue from the taxes they impose. Blackrock is a start and seeing the treasurer creating an United front with the AG is how the states start to take control back.
May only be a fraction of Blackrock wealth, but a huge win nonetheless!
That company will soon be owned by the long suffering population who had wokeness hammered into their simple daily loves. Trace it through all the H.R. departments.
This is the key to ending the dictatorship. Take away their money.
Blackrock controls trillions of dollars of pensions, 401k funds and other investments from large and small organizations like the State of Louisiana.
Because Blackrock controls so much wealth and invests into major companies, they control the CEOs and Boards of those companies. It's a "do as we say or we will sell 10% of your stock and crash your stock price--resulting in no performance bonus for you.
Because Blackrock is so big, they can move the market, meaning other investment firms follow their advice. If Blackrock says they're going to sell AAPL, everyone else will try to sell AAPL first to avoid the losses. This amplifies the prior mentioned control effect.
Blackrock promoted the stupid ESG report standards for corporate Extermination, Stupidity, and Grift (you can look up the real meaning if you are curious) that all CEOs and Boards are contorting over themselves to comply with so Blackrock continues recommending their stock for investment. This has resulted in a ton of bad strategic moves to comply with Blackrock demands rather than building great products and services.
Pulling funds out of Blackrock and putting them under some other firms management (or managing them yourself) is the ONLY way we can say fuck you to Blackrock.
Is Black Rock doing badly because assets are being siezed?...as in foreign countries forced to vacate lands, businesses and assets they hold?....like ordered in Trump's EO 13848?
I wish!
Too late Louisiana. Blackrock has already lost your money.
This is great
Welll...this is going to leave a mark on BlackRock...Now...when are the other states who have investments with BR unload their BR shares???? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!
This seems really big