UN 'Human Rights' Panel Votes To Ignore China's Uyghur Abuses In Xinjiang - sick bastards!
🚔 Corruptio-UN💸
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If you have to vote not to discuss a crime against humanity, you are acknowledging the crime against humanity and deciding that you agree with it or that it's inconvenient for you.
The globalists will protect the CCP at all costs. They have never really cared about the persecuted around the world. Just look at the nations on their Human Rights Council.
China is their beta program for the NWO they have planned.
Or actually more on the N. Korean model.
But they are actually the same. The CCP just has a blank check amount for their PR image program.
Let's hope Xi is really working against all that.
He isn't.... If he was he would not be confirmed for a 3rd term
Let's go full retard in Ukraine (corruption honeypot), but abandon legitimate causes. It's like these people literally ask themselves, "Hmmm... What's the right thing to do in this situation?" And then go completely the opposite direction. Psychopaths.
It's almost an open admission that the CCP controls the UN. Afterall, it's the CCP's communist form of government that the masters of the UN want for the rest of the world.
CCP has a lot of pull on U.N. decisions
To have a totalitarian country vote against one of their brethren is begging the question: why are these countries on the UN Human Rights Consul?
This is tantamount to asking the uniparty here in America to investigate the overwhelming evidence the 2020 election was stolen. The name of the game is their self preservation. Duh!
If the Chinese didn't treat them as slaves, they would be dealing with weekly trucks of peace.
How else would “made in China” be made?
Everytime I pick something up now with Made in China, I think of the concentration camps and the human slaves. Not that Vietnam Cambodia or any of these other third world countries are that far behind in terms of slave labor working conditions.
Did capitalism cause this or did communism ? Almost feels like a chicken or the egg conundrum. On the one hand advocating for better working conditions for labor is the communist platform. On the other capitalism allows for goods to be made cheaply albeit on the backs of other unfortunate souls,
How do we fix this problem? If we improve work conditions, cost of products go up, leading to tighter squeeze for consumers, maybe a contraction in demand, less savings, less wealth for the average citizen.
If we suggest for society to go towards less consumerism and buy only what we need and not what we want, we may destroy jobs and industries and shrink the economy. Possibly more suffering in the world for the average person.
No wonder Jesus told us not to worry about the future.
Mathew 6:25-27
Do Not Worry
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?
This. “Religion of Peace.”
Who is surprised here? Im guessing no one.
The only answer is make sure MAGA gets in and things will change. Right now, they are going for broke with all of this.
Once we get it in, it is fucking over for them and they know it. Look at Michigan's Secretary of State and what she did. Desperation. She's going to prison.
Any agency, which is not for the people needs to be defunded and squashed.
Aren't the Uyghurs muslim?
Where else will they get their high quality organs from?