The vagueness with which Gregg is presenting this information is not appreciated.
If there are dire consequences involved, so too should there be direct and thorough communication of the danger. I like what Gregg has done with 2000 Mules, but we need to demand a higher level of transparency going forward.
While I understand the fog of war requires certain precautions, if Gregg can tell us that people are being poisoned, the cat is out of the bag and he can reveal the methods and means of how this is being done, and the connections to Telegram so that Patriots can effectively fight back.
For sure people engaging in an information war should not be surprised that impactful people would have "kinetic" responses from angry/desperate actors. People get punched for saying dumb things in bars all the time, and the stakes are higher here.
I suggest not using Jitsi unless you're running your own server. If not your calls are probably being recorded. I have to use it for work and its shit to begin with. Atleast once a day it just stops recognizing that you have a headset plugged in, or hits an error where it cant find network ports for calls.
The only thing that I see that says "using Telegram can end in poisoning" is elenochle's reply because of the way that it frames the discussion. In fairness to elenochle, this could just be how they read it. The people doing the poisoning probably do not care that much about which platform is being used, just that information that they do not like is spreading somewhere, which can be on any platform.
This is the way. How is Greg's suggestive demand any different from people blindly taking the jab? It's not. It's fear hype porn. I know this guy has contributed a lot, but like with me, don't assume everything is correct.
So far this has the same relevance as Hocus Pocus 2 casting spells through your TV... Fucking retarded.
Retarded is right. If you think that kinda stuff isn't real, you are retarded. The REAL battle is fought for your mind. TV is their main method of getting it in. The eye-gate, the ear-gate. Most don't have a sentry posted. All should.
yeah, I'd like to know the delivery method. But fuck it, I don't care. This is war and I'm in it to the end. I'd rather be dead than live in the world the tyrannical pedo creeps are building.
I agree. I'm not real involved at Telegram, just click through sometimes. Maybe he is talking more about content/channel owners. Everyone needs to make his/her own decision. If someone gets hurt at least they were warned and chose to stay.
The vagueness with which Gregg is presenting this information is not appreciated.
If there are dire consequences involved, so too should there be direct and thorough communication of the danger. I like what Gregg has done with 2000 Mules, but we need to demand a higher level of transparency going forward.
While I understand the fog of war requires certain precautions, if Gregg can tell us that people are being poisoned, the cat is out of the bag and he can reveal the methods and means of how this is being done, and the connections to Telegram so that Patriots can effectively fight back.
Big time. I agree.
For sure people engaging in an information war should not be surprised that impactful people would have "kinetic" responses from angry/desperate actors. People get punched for saying dumb things in bars all the time, and the stakes are higher here.
(May 17, 2021) Don't Use Telegram. Don't Use Telegram. Don't Use Telegram. Don't Use Telegram. Don't Use Telegram. | Luke Smith
A small minority has been telling the retards to stop using Telegram for quite awhile now.
The majority take convenience over security.
Use instead:
- JitsiAnd several others here
I suggest not using Jitsi unless you're running your own server. If not your calls are probably being recorded. I have to use it for work and its shit to begin with. Atleast once a day it just stops recognizing that you have a headset plugged in, or hits an error where it cant find network ports for calls.
The only thing that I see that says "using Telegram can end in poisoning" is elenochle's reply because of the way that it frames the discussion. In fairness to elenochle, this could just be how they read it. The people doing the poisoning probably do not care that much about which platform is being used, just that information that they do not like is spreading somewhere, which can be on any platform.
I think we need to pump our sealed indictments up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. And we'll need a bigger boat.
Telegram is probably ccp. I know a lot of Chinese bots really tried to get me to go there, which I found sus.
His reputation is still in question here.
If he thinks he's doing everyone a solid I doubt he gives a shit.
This is the way. How is Greg's suggestive demand any different from people blindly taking the jab? It's not. It's fear hype porn. I know this guy has contributed a lot, but like with me, don't assume everything is correct.
So far this has the same relevance as Hocus Pocus 2 casting spells through your TV... Fucking retarded.
Not smart. Not close to the same.
It is if you don't trust the guy and I've no reason to.
Because heβs not telling you to take a jab. Heβs telling you there is a strong possibility of harm. Opposite.
Abandoning the battlefield could be more dangerous than taking the jab.
Well if the war is still on and you quit there is only one outcome. The one we don't want.
You rang?
Retarded is right. If you think that kinda stuff isn't real, you are retarded. The REAL battle is fought for your mind. TV is their main method of getting it in. The eye-gate, the ear-gate. Most don't have a sentry posted. All should.
Yes. Why just Telegram. Are we seriously to believe you are in danger posting on Telegram, but not on Truth Social?
I think you might need a mobile number to register with Telegram.
If that's the case, then you can find the person who is posting if you have access to that info.
GTFO. Truth Social is Trump's. Need I say more?
yeah, I'd like to know the delivery method. But fuck it, I don't care. This is war and I'm in it to the end. I'd rather be dead than live in the world the tyrannical pedo creeps are building.
I agree. I'm not real involved at Telegram, just click through sometimes. Maybe he is talking more about content/channel owners. Everyone needs to make his/her own decision. If someone gets hurt at least they were warned and chose to stay.