The whole West & EU seems to be pushing this as "our values" now. It's repulsive.
We may be able to hold off the Anti-Christ if we take back the house or senate but we will not survive another 6 years of pedophile democrats running this country into the ground. The fiat money system will implode if Saudi Arabia joins BRICS 2023. Endless War is not looking like an option as people have woken up. No one wants to send their boys to go die to increase Lockheed Martin's stock price.
That poor child. Imagine the daily life of a child whose parents push such things into them. Such a confusing upbringing I'm sure. Jesus I pray for the children of this nation and around the world, bless them Lord. Hold them all even closer to you Lord. And prepare the millstones for those who promote such things into such innocent life. Let your mercy and grace rain down upon their lives Jesus.
oh... wow... I am so confused by all of the thoughts racing through my head about the many ways this is wrong, and I just can't figure out what to say first. Just wrong. Evil. Fuck. Where are the parents? Where are the other adults? What the fuck? What the FUCK?????
Whew.. this forum rips out my heart sometimes.
The whole West & EU seems to be pushing this as "our values" now. It's repulsive.
We may be able to hold off the Anti-Christ if we take back the house or senate but we will not survive another 6 years of pedophile democrats running this country into the ground. The fiat money system will implode if Saudi Arabia joins BRICS 2023. Endless War is not looking like an option as people have woken up. No one wants to send their boys to go die to increase Lockheed Martin's stock price.
That poor child. Imagine the daily life of a child whose parents push such things into them. Such a confusing upbringing I'm sure. Jesus I pray for the children of this nation and around the world, bless them Lord. Hold them all even closer to you Lord. And prepare the millstones for those who promote such things into such innocent life. Let your mercy and grace rain down upon their lives Jesus.
oh... wow... I am so confused by all of the thoughts racing through my head about the many ways this is wrong, and I just can't figure out what to say first. Just wrong. Evil. Fuck. Where are the parents? Where are the other adults? What the fuck? What the FUCK?????
Okay... I guess I got it out.
There's a whole bunch of us with the same feeling.
This is sickening. In what world is this acceptable and even applauded?!
Meanwhile over at Reddit:
Where's the police now? Oh wait thats right they're arresting the kid with the vape.
They are off arresting Pastors with 8 kids at 2:00 AM for offering help outside a Planned Parenthood.
Something like this will solve a problem such as this.
Problem solved. 👍
Backup video link:
The parents need to be arrested along with this tranny pedo faggot.
Don’t give Biden any ideas.