Totally agree with homeschooling IF this actually happens! However, you have to wonder why in the world would the CDC put this info out there right before the mid term election! It’s like someone is trying to piss voters off!!
There's no risk exposure if your kids aren't in government run institutions. We have to take the reins and get involved with our own local governance, else it won't matter what is accomplished at the federal level. Every elected official and every appointed official that have participated in tyranny for any reason must be replaced with vetted MAGA Patriots.
However, it does matter if people take their kids to pediatricians and they push the vax--school age or not. They are vaxxing kids (pediatricians) at age two or slightly over. So it seems, we, are not winning that one. These pediatricians need their heads examined, or they are being paid huge sums to promote these jabs.
Aside from the poisonous vaccines, they are turning kids into communists, trans crap, into very stupid people.....HOMESCHOOL for the life and health of your precious little ones. There is NOTHING in the public fool system of ANY value for American children.
Thing is, we won’t really know for 5-10 years how many will actually die from it. Myocarditis ultimately results in heart failure in the long term, not short term. The vaxxed will die off enmasse in 5-10 years of either heart attack or heart failure. I’m really sad about it. I don’t think we can fathom what’s coming. The fact that the CDC did what they did is astounding given the KNOWN rate of myocarditis. I thank God I live in FL.
They did what Trump told them to do. Show some respect and give credit to the man that saved millions, perhaps billions of people from 7 years of solid lock down and famine. I for one am grateful.
I agree about the long term damages, but my gut tells me there is some kind of a cure to undo this long term effect. We will see. If I am wrong, perhaps the GA would have been for nothing. Or perhaps a whole generation needed to be replaced like with Moses. I sincerely hope there is a simpler answer. We will know in due time.
Yep. And if 5 billion die instead of 6, then it's all been worth it. Trump sacrificed everything so our children wouldn't have to suffer anymore. Sounds like somebody else Ive heard of.. 🤔
Ok but when are they going to stop the jab? They just added them to the childhood schedule ffs.Its been 18 months enough is enough.
Agree, this is a MAJOR issue. The plan better have not forgotten about those of us in blue/purple states with children who have risk exposure here.
Homeschool! It’s getting to the point where it’s almost mandatory if you want to save your children.
Totally agree with homeschooling IF this actually happens! However, you have to wonder why in the world would the CDC put this info out there right before the mid term election! It’s like someone is trying to piss voters off!!
There's no risk exposure if your kids aren't in government run institutions. We have to take the reins and get involved with our own local governance, else it won't matter what is accomplished at the federal level. Every elected official and every appointed official that have participated in tyranny for any reason must be replaced with vetted MAGA Patriots.
However, it does matter if people take their kids to pediatricians and they push the vax--school age or not. They are vaxxing kids (pediatricians) at age two or slightly over. So it seems, we, are not winning that one. These pediatricians need their heads examined, or they are being paid huge sums to promote these jabs.
Aside from the poisonous vaccines, they are turning kids into communists, trans crap, into very stupid people.....HOMESCHOOL for the life and health of your precious little ones. There is NOTHING in the public fool system of ANY value for American children.
The plan is the people have to figure out the jab is bad,and the msm and politicians are lying like dogs in the sun.
The number of people who have to die before this stops, is directly on the heads of the people who refused to open their eyes until that point.
Thing is, we won’t really know for 5-10 years how many will actually die from it. Myocarditis ultimately results in heart failure in the long term, not short term. The vaxxed will die off enmasse in 5-10 years of either heart attack or heart failure. I’m really sad about it. I don’t think we can fathom what’s coming. The fact that the CDC did what they did is astounding given the KNOWN rate of myocarditis. I thank God I live in FL.
They did what Trump told them to do. Show some respect and give credit to the man that saved millions, perhaps billions of people from 7 years of solid lock down and famine. I for one am grateful.
I agree about the long term damages, but my gut tells me there is some kind of a cure to undo this long term effect. We will see. If I am wrong, perhaps the GA would have been for nothing. Or perhaps a whole generation needed to be replaced like with Moses. I sincerely hope there is a simpler answer. We will know in due time.
Ooh, deja vu AND preja vu at the same time! Tingly
I think this is it. We either, as a species, evolve enough to think for ourselfes or WAF.
Yep. And if 5 billion die instead of 6, then it's all been worth it. Trump sacrificed everything so our children wouldn't have to suffer anymore. Sounds like somebody else Ive heard of.. 🤔
The states can stop it. Based MAGA governors solve the problem.
Election fraud will solve the based MAGA governor problem.
We'll see soon enough.17 days till election day.
16, but sure.
Or threats. Or Epstein Island type shit.
Who's they? WE are going to have to stop it.