Lol. Are you in the south end, middle or north end? I'm in the southern part, and you are right about Birmingham & Montgomery areas. May I ask if you voted on the amendments? I was wondering about number 6, do they plan on adding a ad valorem tax onto our property to use instead of loans to pay for construction projects? Or are these property taxes already being taken out of our properties that they will use for projects? I swear some of the wording they use is confusing.
“Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, each municipality authorized under Amendment No. 8 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing Section 216.01 of the Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, to levy and collect the ad valorem tax pursuant to Amendment No. 8 for the purpose of paying bonds and the interest thereon, and may also levy and collect such ad valorem tax and utilize such funds for capital improvements on a pay-as-you-go basis at a rate not exceeding the rate then lawfully permitted for the municipality to directly pay the costs of public capital improvements, as well as to pay the principal and interest on bonds, warrants, or other securities issued to finance or refinance the costs of the improvements; and the ratify, validate, and confirm the levy and collection of such tax levied and collected for any of these purposes prior to the ratification of this amendment. (Proposed by Act 2021-327)”
That's what I was thinking, along with the other amendment voting for the expansion of local gov power over selling public property ..
Statewide Amendment 7
“Proposing an amendment to revise Amendment 772 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, to specify that all counties and municipalities may exercise the authority and powers granted by Amendment 772 to provide for economic and industrial development; to permit notice for Amendment 772 projects to be published in any newspaper in circulation in the county or municipality; and to ratify all actions and agreements of any county or municipality done under Amendment 772 unless subject to pending judicial proceedings on the date of adoption of this amendment. (Proposed by Act 2022-286)”
A “Yes” vote means you’re voting for an expansion of local governments’ power over moves like selling public property, issuing bonds or leasing property to private entities.
A “No” vote means the current law stands.
Then they kill me with this statement under pretty all the amendments, like that's going to make my choice easier ...
This amendment was unanimously agreed upon by both the House and Senate.
In all honesty, I didnt vote on this because I didn't understand the issue, nor their explanation.
Its also the first time I heard of it, and I really try to stay abreast. So, since I never heard of it til today, at the booth, I considered it a bombardment, which I don't do, so I backed away.
Normally, I would say not voting on something that you have not decided upon a choice is a vote with INTEGRITY.
But in the case of a change to a state's Constitution, I wonder if a NO vote is better, as defeats may encourage better efforts to give voters more info on the change. Still working on what are proper defaults for voting ambiguous stuff.
My friends are voting different ways on this amendment. I think they word these things the way they do to confuse us. I'm thinking of voting no on this one because it sounds a little funny about the adding taxes, they have been adding taxes to our properties a lot lately it seems, usually saying it's for the schools (I call bs on that). In our area we also have to pay registration fees just for the kids to go to public schools, and they also charge fees for some of the classes and want you to send in a bunch of items for the teacher & class to use.
After cutting away all of the clever semantics, I am certain that this is just an extra, useless tax.
Yes, they convolute the wording intentionally. I don't trust anything that's not clearly spelled out and as easy to comprehend as our 6th grade-level Constitution.
Wish I had a bit more time to read over this and digest it, but that's why I call it the "bombardment". I don't play that sh**.
Voted no on all of them. Replace the constitution with “the same but better”? Nope. New taxes for tl;dr? Nope. Give government control of private property (private sewer or some such)? nope. Delay stays of executions until victims families can be notified? Nope, grant the stay first, then notify.
You just described my precinct. 😆 Alabama is pretty legit. We only really have Birmingham and Montgomery to worry about........
Good thing we're a broke state and can't afford the gimme-dats and the food pellets. Keeps the grift moving Atlanta.
Lol. Are you in the south end, middle or north end? I'm in the southern part, and you are right about Birmingham & Montgomery areas. May I ask if you voted on the amendments? I was wondering about number 6, do they plan on adding a ad valorem tax onto our property to use instead of loans to pay for construction projects? Or are these property taxes already being taken out of our properties that they will use for projects? I swear some of the wording they use is confusing.
After further review, this is a bad idea. Basically using public funds illegally for what they were never meant to be collected for.
They used my property tax (just like this one, almost identical) in Cobb County, GA to fund their new stadium. Totally illegal. Never addressed.
Its just another tax, with the promise of mis-appropriated use.
That's what I was thinking, along with the other amendment voting for the expansion of local gov power over selling public property ..
Statewide Amendment 7
“Proposing an amendment to revise Amendment 772 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, to specify that all counties and municipalities may exercise the authority and powers granted by Amendment 772 to provide for economic and industrial development; to permit notice for Amendment 772 projects to be published in any newspaper in circulation in the county or municipality; and to ratify all actions and agreements of any county or municipality done under Amendment 772 unless subject to pending judicial proceedings on the date of adoption of this amendment. (Proposed by Act 2022-286)”
A “Yes” vote means you’re voting for an expansion of local governments’ power over moves like selling public property, issuing bonds or leasing property to private entities.
A “No” vote means the current law stands.
Then they kill me with this statement under pretty all the amendments, like that's going to make my choice easier ...
In all honesty, I didnt vote on this because I didn't understand the issue, nor their explanation.
Its also the first time I heard of it, and I really try to stay abreast. So, since I never heard of it til today, at the booth, I considered it a bombardment, which I don't do, so I backed away.
Normally, I would say not voting on something that you have not decided upon a choice is a vote with INTEGRITY.
But in the case of a change to a state's Constitution, I wonder if a NO vote is better, as defeats may encourage better efforts to give voters more info on the change. Still working on what are proper defaults for voting ambiguous stuff.
I agree. If its a law, it can always be repealed if it doesn't work out. Once its enshrined in (any) Constitution, good luck ever undoing that.
You should always be ok to vote NO for anything with the word TAX in it, unless it is a decrease.
My friends are voting different ways on this amendment. I think they word these things the way they do to confuse us. I'm thinking of voting no on this one because it sounds a little funny about the adding taxes, they have been adding taxes to our properties a lot lately it seems, usually saying it's for the schools (I call bs on that). In our area we also have to pay registration fees just for the kids to go to public schools, and they also charge fees for some of the classes and want you to send in a bunch of items for the teacher & class to use.
After cutting away all of the clever semantics, I am certain that this is just an extra, useless tax.
Yes, they convolute the wording intentionally. I don't trust anything that's not clearly spelled out and as easy to comprehend as our 6th grade-level Constitution.
Wish I had a bit more time to read over this and digest it, but that's why I call it the "bombardment". I don't play that sh**.
Voted no on all of them. Replace the constitution with “the same but better”? Nope. New taxes for tl;dr? Nope. Give government control of private property (private sewer or some such)? nope. Delay stays of executions until victims families can be notified? Nope, grant the stay first, then notify.