Could someone translate this for me...Anyone???...Please...😏
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(Begin) 'A long time ago I took a delegation to Alaska to see what was happening there. You know the glaciers are melting before your very eyes, you know it's been bad there with Thermal Management of the planet.. the desalination of the ocean, the cannibalizing of the animals. Every aspect of this right there in Alaska.. and the indigenous people..' (End)
To me it sounded rather different. She said that she needed yet another slush fund which could be used to sneak cash to her friends and the excuse was going to be the climate.
Vodkanese translation. "I need another drink."
Alaska 😂 only English I heard
She is such a friggin' liar. I'm glad we kicked her out.
I like to watch a Nat Geo show on TV called "Life Below Zero". It has been on for many years and basically follows about 5-6 families (some indigenous) showing how they live and survive in the harsh, isolated environments in Alaska...I find it very educational to see people operate in an environment totally alien to my experience.
The last couple of years some of the featured "stars" have complained about the changes in their environment such as decreased salmon running in the Yukon River or herds of caribou or flocks of birds that are changing migration patterns. It is interesting that Pelosi mentions the "thermal management of the planet" because I wonder who is doing the managing.
I don't doubt that much of the show is staged for viewing purposes but I wonder if these people are truly seeing these changes as a result of manipulation or if they ar being used to push an agenda. I have absolutely no doubt that our weather is totally being manipulated by the government in collusion with the military and that we really have very little "naturally occurring" weather anymore. It is tragic that so much of the earth and its' people are being destroyed by crazy, maniacal "managers" intent on the destruction of God's creation.
"If I wanna kno, Alaska..." <hic>
Vodkas a hell of a drug
hahaha ..... cannibalizing of the animals, suffocation of the oceans ... right there in Alaska ...
I guess when your main course consists of i-scream and booze .... you might start to see funny things happening.
Keep the ice cold for my Gin ?
She is right. I think I remember that the Russians owned Alaska, a ling time ago. Those evil evil people destroyed earth. I lived in Alaska a number of years. I can truly say that we ate (cannibalized) wild animals. Them moose were top of the list. Yep. Didn't know he ocean was desalinated though. Damn. That takes almost as much energy as the sun. Yep. I say enough is enough. Let us bring back the glaciers. Yep. Fill up Yosemite, and great lakes with them. Covering Canada might be a good thing. Got to watch them tricky glaciers when they melt. I remember an old indigenous people saying: "They (glaciers) are just going back for more rocks"! Cutting off oil will help. Yep. I got a sharp ax to cut the timber for firewood. Canada has so much timber they have been exporting wood faster than a wood chuck could..... Yep, she is right.
Thanks for that info...But that's not the point of the post....😉😆