They will steal it too. Another two years of hell waiting to be let down weeks after Election Day? When is the military going to step in? When will we the people have had enough? This is not a doom post, it is reality!
Comments (21)
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I completely agree.... All this accomplishes is to flat out piss me off....
Which is probably the intent.
What recourse do we, regular citizens, have? Sure, we can build ourselves into the strongest people possible. We can run for local elections. We can volunteer in the community.
But to reign in our corrupt federal government, we have no real recourse.
Perhaps that is part of the plan. We must exhaust the legitimate means first. If they don’t work, we use the legitimacy of our Arms.
I'm with you OP. You are not dooming and fuck anybody who says you are.
^^^ THIS ^^^
Straight Up where I am at. Zero trust in Government. Literally. It's all manufactured. I'm not having it anymore. I'm not voting again until it is fixed. No more. This is gone to a level where there is no American government anymore. Just slaves and slave owners... have a firm grasp of the situational reality....
Dogs always have pretty good instincts too 👍
this country wont last another 2 years with this BS
The overall sentiment seems to have shifted:
100% agree with this sentiment. I was trashed hard on here for saying the Dems were gonna cheat again, JUST LIKE BEFORE, and not a fuking thing was going to happen.
Well, AZ has been BLATANTLY stolen, PENN was blatantly stolen, MICHIGAN was blatantly stolen. Who is going to stop it? The military? Its been a week, and nothing. The whole “wait till they certify so the crime is complete” bullshit is laughable. Those fukstix certified the last bullshit “election”, and what happened there? The DoD and DOJ are lost.
We are no longer a republic. That means our constitution is not valid. Its a collection of privileges for those who conform.
'The Beginning is Near'
Lindell, True the Vote, and others are getting traction. It takes time and inbvolvement. Here's an article that shows what is being done and more.
Time? Two more years? Alright! Will keep fattening up on popcorn cause you know that’s gonna fixer!
I've been casually viewing this board for a long time, and I feel like a lot of people... have very lively imagination, to the point I feel they go way beyond reality.
People think there will be a saviour, and that "God will win."
There is not such things. The only ones that can save yourselves are you, the people. Not some miracle dude.
Wake up, really. A lot of these people tell others to "wake up", but honestly, THEY need to wake up as well.
Oh, God does win! That’s the only certain! Everything else is a biblical deception!
There is no 2024 at this point.
it has to get so bad that even the meat heads can begin to see the truth. Trust me when I tell you there are MANY who think the past two elections where 100% legit.