They are sheep, but they aren't retarded. The degreed engineers that I battle the most with are EXTREMELY book smart and capable of calculations that I struggle with.
Problem is they are convinced they are intellectually superior and clearly have been indoctrinated. Just like the local PhD Principal. She's had 4 injections and recently started a subtle head shake like Parkinson's and admits that she's suffering from Brain Fog.
Most of them ARE capable, but dont do so out of their trust for authority. Why waste time processing data when the authority figure that you trust and believe has your best interest mind does it for you on the screen?
Something serious needs to happen for that trust they hold to shatter, and only then will they be forced to logically process the data themselves, at which point some more of them will wake up.
Propaganda machine is back at ramping up the "FEAR THE UNVACCINATED" campaign.
And the retarded sheep will follow whatever it is the propaganda tells them to do.
They are sheep, but they aren't retarded. The degreed engineers that I battle the most with are EXTREMELY book smart and capable of calculations that I struggle with.
Problem is they are convinced they are intellectually superior and clearly have been indoctrinated. Just like the local PhD Principal. She's had 4 injections and recently started a subtle head shake like Parkinson's and admits that she's suffering from Brain Fog.
“Some of the biggest cases of mistaken identity are among intellectuals who have trouble remembering that they are not God.” - Thomas Sowell
I have had the pleasure of firing PhDs like that.
Retarded, in the proper sense of the word, simply means: held back
When I call them retarded, I don't, necessarily, mean in the cognitive sense.
And yet, if they aren't able to logically process data and come up with non-MSM narratives on their own, they ARE cognitively challenged and retarded.
Most of them ARE capable, but dont do so out of their trust for authority. Why waste time processing data when the authority figure that you trust and believe has your best interest mind does it for you on the screen?
Something serious needs to happen for that trust they hold to shatter, and only then will they be forced to logically process the data themselves, at which point some more of them will wake up.
Ah yeah, plenty of those too of course.
I should have said that I don't necessarily mean cognitively challenged, but yeah, that is sure in play.
Anyone who experiences the anger from a jabbed one should be told 'you fell for their lies once; are you going to fall for them again?'
Thing is they don't know, and don't want to know they were lied to
The propaganda is shielding them nicely
MSM started drumming up a new "variant" of this BS, "INCREASED CASES OH NO!!!"
How do you think my family reacted?:
Questioned the validity of these claims, looked around themselves to gather any signs of it actually happening and started doing their own research
immediately got afraid and started using masks again
I don't bother anymore, as long as the propaganda continues, there are people who will never be reached.
And then they take a hammer to you.
Paul Pelosi, is that you?
This is it. It's a call to ramp up the memes. The fear is flagging...