This is likely true. Had the left still been in control of Twitter, they would have undoubtedly used their bullhorn to foment war between Russia and Poland.
"Independent researchers and anons were perhaps able to stave off World War 3 by immediately exposing the Ukraine missile false flag so quickly that the media couldn't even run with the story for a measly 24 hours.
This is the power of a group of people who think for themselves, do their own research and spread the truth.
Imagine what unforeseeable ways we've helped the world and what we might accomplish in the future.
Together we are powerful."
Just as a precaution regarding Ian Miles Cheong since the opportunity came up... I tend to like what he tweets most of the time... But he has a tweet where he immediately dunked on Trump after the midterms and other tweets in the past that felt off. He used to work for Jeremy of theQuartering (on Youtube) and Jeremy made videos to warn people about Ian. He basically said Ian used to be on the SJW side before he "awakened", has never set foot in the US but presents himself as being in the US, and that everything Ian does is for clout and/or just to gaslight. I'm not slamming Ian's tweet above, but just wanted us to be mindful of who the messenger is.
I don't care who the messenger is anymore, unless they're running for office. It's all about the message for me. Might as well black out the name of the messenger.
Agreed. There are so many people playing so many roles, I don't give a crap anymore.
I base every evaluation of information on proof and corroboration - the source does not matter to me at this point. I try my best to apply the same rules of verification to both information that I want to be true and information that I dislike.
Knowledge is power - but only if it is true. Falling for propaganda hurts you.
Yeah, I share that sentiment. It's more a precaution to not trust a message simply because it comes from a certain messenger that you may trust (e.g., just because this message from this messenger speaks truth doesn't mean you should assume his next message speaks truth). But as long as you verify/focus on the truth of the message itself and not the messenger, you'll be fine.
I knew of IMC since his woke days (because Gamergate was my redpill). I suspect some of what Jeremy says to be true about Ian (that he enjoys clout and attention) but I feel the reason for him joining this side of the culture war to be reasonably sincere, as he was one of the very few games journalists to apologize for his part in GG. In any case, no need to put him up on a pedestal.
He was recently thrown under the bus on Timcast too. Something about SWATing someone.
Which, yes, I do believe should be met with swift death penalty...even if someone on our side did it to someone on their side. Examples need to be made that SWATing someone is unacceptable and attempted murder.
Yeah, Jeremy mentioned something about Ian having admitted to swatting someone. Definitely, I agree regarding examples needing to be made regarding swatting...
Fantastic uses of this meme!
This is likely true. Had the left still been in control of Twitter, they would have undoubtedly used their bullhorn to foment war between Russia and Poland.
Absolutely ...
Russia and NATO. (That's us.)
"Independent researchers and anons were perhaps able to stave off World War 3 by immediately exposing the Ukraine missile false flag so quickly that the media couldn't even run with the story for a measly 24 hours.
This is the power of a group of people who think for themselves, do their own research and spread the truth. Imagine what unforeseeable ways we've helped the world and what we might accomplish in the future. Together we are powerful."
H/t... (ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter)
Just as a precaution regarding Ian Miles Cheong since the opportunity came up... I tend to like what he tweets most of the time... But he has a tweet where he immediately dunked on Trump after the midterms and other tweets in the past that felt off. He used to work for Jeremy of theQuartering (on Youtube) and Jeremy made videos to warn people about Ian. He basically said Ian used to be on the SJW side before he "awakened", has never set foot in the US but presents himself as being in the US, and that everything Ian does is for clout and/or just to gaslight. I'm not slamming Ian's tweet above, but just wanted us to be mindful of who the messenger is.
👍 We won’t forget.
I don't care who the messenger is anymore, unless they're running for office. It's all about the message for me. Might as well black out the name of the messenger.
Agreed. There are so many people playing so many roles, I don't give a crap anymore.
I base every evaluation of information on proof and corroboration - the source does not matter to me at this point. I try my best to apply the same rules of verification to both information that I want to be true and information that I dislike.
Knowledge is power - but only if it is true. Falling for propaganda hurts you.
Yeah, I share that sentiment. It's more a precaution to not trust a message simply because it comes from a certain messenger that you may trust (e.g., just because this message from this messenger speaks truth doesn't mean you should assume his next message speaks truth). But as long as you verify/focus on the truth of the message itself and not the messenger, you'll be fine.
I knew of IMC since his woke days (because Gamergate was my redpill). I suspect some of what Jeremy says to be true about Ian (that he enjoys clout and attention) but I feel the reason for him joining this side of the culture war to be reasonably sincere, as he was one of the very few games journalists to apologize for his part in GG. In any case, no need to put him up on a pedestal.
He was recently thrown under the bus on Timcast too. Something about SWATing someone.
Which, yes, I do believe should be met with swift death penalty...even if someone on our side did it to someone on their side. Examples need to be made that SWATing someone is unacceptable and attempted murder.
Yeah, Jeremy mentioned something about Ian having admitted to swatting someone. Definitely, I agree regarding examples needing to be made regarding swatting...
I unfollowed him.... He jumped off the Trump train instantly....
Ian Miles..... Not Elon
Me too
Yes twitter stopped the gaslighting !
And by "independent military analysts," he meant the Anon Digital Army.
Lowered the temperature.
Look closer at these words.
This should be the role of social media.
Twitter is not mentioned. I guess the Polish journalists may have used it????
He's replied and liked quite a few of Ian's tweets.