He's probably from the Donbass area, being a volunteer. To them, The USSR is something of a nostalgia thing, back when they weren't being slaughtered by the Ukrainians. Towns liberated by Russia were hoisting the USSR flags to signify their rejection of Ukraine.
I have a friend in Serbia and people there rally behind the flag of Yugoslavia. Not because they love communism, but because it's a nostalgic time when they had unity, before NATO bombed the shit out of their country, killed so many innocent civilians, and tore their country apart. I imagine these Ukrainian Russians have the same sentiments.
I remember back in my Reddit days (before everyone started licking each other’s buttholes) Russian redditors would talk about how the older generations often would pine for the USSR days. Was hard for me to imagine, now I understand if only a bit.
Everything was so unimaginably horrible in the 20-50s that everything that came after must have been like heaven in comparison. Then in the 80s all went down the drain again.
The Wagner Group do not call themselves Nazis. They love Russia and while independent of the Russian Military, they are NOT Nazis. Don’t mistake them for the AZOV Battalion which were the Ukrainian army.
It’s a SOVIET symbol. The USSR - Soviets are no more but much came out of there - but today it is no more. It’s Russia. The hammer stood for their great industrial achievements representing those that worked with a hammer to bend iron - including the first rocket into space race and the sickle represented the Farmer or those that toiled the land.
He's probably from the Donbass area, being a volunteer. To them, The USSR is something of a nostalgia thing, back when they weren't being slaughtered by the Ukrainians. Towns liberated by Russia were hoisting the USSR flags to signify their rejection of Ukraine.
I have a friend in Serbia and people there rally behind the flag of Yugoslavia. Not because they love communism, but because it's a nostalgic time when they had unity, before NATO bombed the shit out of their country, killed so many innocent civilians, and tore their country apart. I imagine these Ukrainian Russians have the same sentiments.
American patriot living in Russia here. Stevethefish76 has the correct and best answer.
Its so twisted but true, those who grew up in the 70s and 80s USSR had it pretty damn good compared to the time after it all fell apart
I remember back in my Reddit days (before everyone started licking each other’s buttholes) Russian redditors would talk about how the older generations often would pine for the USSR days. Was hard for me to imagine, now I understand if only a bit.
Everything was so unimaginably horrible in the 20-50s that everything that came after must have been like heaven in comparison. Then in the 80s all went down the drain again.
It's like this way in Transnistria too. Nostalgia
Very suspicious. Calls into question whether this is disinfo/fugazi. Hammer & Sickle? No way, tovarish.
Lots of Russian units still use communist symbols. When they invaded a bunch of their tanks flew the flag.
Hell, the Wagner group uses SS symbols and their leaders call themselves Nazis.
The Wagner Group do not call themselves Nazis. They love Russia and while independent of the Russian Military, they are NOT Nazis. Don’t mistake them for the AZOV Battalion which were the Ukrainian army.
Alexei Milchakov, look him up. A co-founder of Wagner who openly describes himself as a Nazi.
Dmitry Utkin, the OG founder, also a Nazi, dude has SS symbols tattooed on his neck.
They have plenty of neo-Nazi's lurking in that organization.
You can be a Nazi and be Russian, these things are not mutually exclusive.
So he is a nazi, does that make all who work there nazis?
It’s a SOVIET symbol. The USSR - Soviets are no more but much came out of there - but today it is no more. It’s Russia. The hammer stood for their great industrial achievements representing those that worked with a hammer to bend iron - including the first rocket into space race and the sickle represented the Farmer or those that toiled the land.
I noticed that too. And why the down vote?
He meant the downvote you received.