A Question Queue for Q's Q & A!
Q's post number 4965 responds to an Anon question regarding the possibility of a future Question and Answer thread.
With this in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to start a sticky thread with potential questions that The Great Awakening community could bring to Q's attention in the coming days.
Let's try to keep these questions concise, and reasonable. There is no sense in asking questions like "how long until the happenings," or such things. Let's brainstorm some questions of real substance and value to the Q operation, and our position in that mission as Anons and Patriots.
What do you wish most to ask Q about?
Without compromising any elements of the Q mission, I would want to know roughly what the role of crypto and blockchain technology play in the overall plans of Q for both the new financial system, as well as society in general. I believe Data Sovereignty will be a very important concept in the post-Cabal world, and I would want to know where Q stands on this point, and if they are involved with the development of these technologies in the various sectors of society in any way.
I had not heard this term before, but I share in your curiosity about this question and the overall role of user data in general. I don't know where you come down on it just from reading your potential query but personally I am very enthusiastic about the possible role data could have for welfare and benefits to society in the future.
I think the easiest way to explain my thoughts would be to just go through a quick timeline.
So, maybe someone will downvote me for this but I thought Andrew Yang in particular had some very interesting ideas and concerns regarding economic policy and jobs when he first came out and tried to establish a political platform.
Is it just me or was it odd to see a candidate who ALSO identified as a Democrat talk like he did about the economy when he first hit the pavement? I hate to give undue credit but he made some REAL COMMON SENSE for a little while early on! (Is that why they shut hin up? Did he let 'the cat out of the bag' too early or something? He faded out REAL FAST and DRASTICALLY CHANGED when he reappeared in media.) So strange: a Democrat running and talking about hardline, brass tax issues regarding the USA's economic future and the job market.
For the uninitiated the basic thrust: *The US economy is mostly nominal nonsense. The underlying features when you peel it away are nothing less than terrifying. Real growth outside the energy sector has been nonexistent for over a decade. The job market in America is even worse. We are effectively screwed and heading into real screwed territory.
He even recalled actual numbers in his media appearances! What the hell is going on here, why was this guy being so honest about a topic nobody wanted to talk about? In hindsight, it is kind of baffling. Had the censorship machines and/or updated equipment NOT YET SHIPPED TO THE DNC???
I have no idea. What I can tell you though, is that as a young person in their early 30s who had studied this in school and then felt the effects of systemic failure and neglect first hand as a upwardly mobile working person in the real economy, this whole topic meant a great deal to me.
Yang was saying things like the most common job in America was 'Retail Sales Associate' and around 33% of all US workers held a variation of that job. Truck driver jobs are on the verge of being automated and phased out. While that is a smaller slice of the pie, it's a good paying job available with low education threshold and [very critically] truckers move about and SPEND $ on the road, helping prop up our remaining hospitality/tourism and retail sectors. Half the malls in America have been closed by Amazon and more set to come eminently.
So shipping/logistics are getting automated out very soon and won't be replaced. Top that with manufacturing being LONG DEAD AND BURIED SINCE THE CLINTON YEARS and most of that cohort either on disability or left the workforce entirely. Prohibitive regulations and costs shut out new product ventures from being able to produce at scale in the USA and retail going international and online.
Not to mention a more esoteric set of issues, in that 4 year college degrees 8/10 were now triple and quadruple in price and effectiveness often no better than a GED or HS diploma. Professional degrees were now 1/100 candidates looking for a Store Management position at ALDI in return for a 250K MBA (earned @ 'night school) and offered LITTLE competitive leverage.
Not to mention the 'quant' brain drain of Wall Street, as Musk and other innovators have discussed. The hypothesis that our best young minds in America (usually Math/Physics phD) were being vacuumed up by the financial sector, lured by the most lucrative opportunities.
So our majority brain power, corralled and hoarded into the business of finding more and more complex methods to play with money. Instead of advancing engineering in energy etc. and finding new methods to build or power shit, we are discovering new innovations in how to splice CDOs and car loans when using Hessian matrices.
The USA is now a Quik Stop/Subway with a SunTrust kiosk attached.
A lot of my unsolicited groans, I apologize, but it seemed vital to me that someone, ANYONE (!!!) was talking about the future of work in our country. In retrospect I really hate that it was Yang but I have to be honest and give credit where due.
Surprising also that I didn't see the correlation. Trump's early goings, the 2016 'RNC' primary, had startlingly similar by-lines. There's a wonderful book, called On The Road In Trump's America which catalogs over some years the people who came to talk with DJT early on and what their feelings were from the win up to just a year before 2020.
These are the small towns where NAFTA and TPP killed the factory and the coal mine shut down. The people went from middle income shirt off their back Baptists to part time baristas and pharmaceutical vendors and enthusiasts in the blink of an eye. Trump went there and told the truth about how our system worked, but even more than that, he sat still and unlike any politician they had ever known, he listened to their stories. This made their hearts swell for Trump in a way that has never been repeated, before or since. All about the benjamins.
Well now that I've gotten WAYYY off course I want to return to the major thrust: data. What did Yang say about data?
Oh yeah, give everyone $1000 bucks just for breathing. UBI. Some people loved it, some hate it. The arguments are usually that Pe0pLe WiLl JuSt bE lAzY & bUy dRuGs - as though 85% of all the people we know are NOT lazy DRUG CONNOISSEURS ALREADY.
That idea when input to our economic model doesn't hold water, however. Micro tells us, people have steady preference for additional money at every level - there is not a place where we stop wanting to make more money in other words.
Think: If you got your $ right now would you quit your job? HELL NO. DUH. You'd pay down your outstanding Bill's or fix your wife's car - there's always something 99% of us non-owners of all the wealth are behind on.
Proof in the pudding: the COVID $ from President Trump. If we take that to be a kind of test run for UBI well how did it go? Did anyone quit their whole job JUST BECAUSE they got the stimulus? No they found other ways to force that decision upon us.
Most people paid expenses with it, or maybe bought a high dollar item- lot of TVs left Wal-Mart around then. Contractors and other guys I know here in Luxuriousss CT had work orders and jobs for months. Tile in the bathroom or finishing the deck or bonus room in the attic.
Oh dear, they got money they didn't need? Yes, they weren't going to starve to death without it. How awful of them to put the money BACK INTO OUR REAL ECONOMY and stimulate retail, home buying and all kinds of sectors and things. We can't pay people not to work!!1!
Well how about we DONT! Pay people not to work that is. How about we do a version of what Yang suggested to fund some kind of baseline income for all: make the tech companies PAY FOR THE DATA THEY ARE STEALING FROM YOU AND GETTING FILTHY FUCKING RICH FROM.
User data is the NEW OIL. Where you go and what you do on the Internet is tracked, recorded and scrutinized by advertisers to the n-th degree. Google and the others make a LITERAL FORTUNE off of mining and selling this data to advertisers who build a data profile of you to know the exact hour you will need a new set of 4 blade razors.
We give them that data for free, yet we pay for our internet service provider every month. The more you do on the Internet the more data you 'manufacture.' Thus the more valuable you are to Google, every time you get curious about what movies Michael Keaton was in.
Do you pay to go outside your house? Would you pay to walk up the sidewalk, and then pay again to walk back down it? They are earning a literal killing off of us, our choices, our data, which is self expression the way walking is. If someone wanted to track every walk I took up the street, I wouldn't charge them ZERO and I DAMN SURE wouldn't pay them to watch me and profit off the free looksie.
Yet that is how the divvying of data is currently working on the Internet. It's like we are paying to be under the Patriot Act and be surveilled. They have a gold mine of free, actionable, profitable information to wade through and sell and designate and build and structure as they choose.
All Americans and internet users are getting a very raw deal from this. We are taking a survey constantly and not getting paid for it.
If 'UBI' came to us as the back end of some portion of a tax on that data, I wouldn't be too frustrated. How about you?
Okay. Way longer than I meant it to be but I thank anyone who stuck around. Thank you for putting a name to these thoughts: data sovereignty. I won't forget.
Well, that was long and multifaceted. I've got a busy day ahead, but wanted to get in a brief reply to some of your points as a placeholder for me to come back and review this in detail. In a future world without DS scum (and it's going to take a long time to reach that point, imho) I foresee a boom in domestic manufacturing as well as creativity/inventions (aka once the murder thugs are eradicated). The DS plan was always to weaken America which is why, as part of that strategy, they offshored our production. The prohibitive regulations you mentioned are part of that and can be quashed like a bug just as the DS will be.
Your UBI discussion is interesting. I agree that, in an environment where UBI would be deemed appropriate for society to at least try and study the effects of, the financially-comfortable fellow citizens should get their grand just like everyone else - especially since they paid into the system doling out the infusion.
Finally, with regard to the very interesting topic u/Qanaut brought up, Data Sovereignty, and particularly your focus on the topic... I personally resent having companies feel they have the right to listen in to my private conversations, sell that to marketing firms and subsequently have them shove marketing information down my proverbial throat. I suppose it boils down to whether or not one trusts any of these people who steal your data to always do the right thing. I do not trust them, and never have.
I'll get back to you later if I get the time.
Nice thinking. I like it.
Would be nice to get a nudge one way or another on crypto.