The only thing I can say is that in the video that was on the board a couple days ago featuring the embalmer, etc...Secrets of the Morgue Part 1 and 2...they said that the material pulled out of the blood vessels of the dead people were NOT blood appeared to be a fibrous material. They sent some to Mike Adams to have him evaluate what the material was not blood based. It will be an interesting find.
I literally filled 2 cavities after taking high dose K2 for 8 months (it transports calcium out of the arteries and into your bones and teeth). Make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D and magnesium too since all these vitamins and minerals work synergistically. I’ve read that K2 has anti-clot and anti-cancer qualities too.
The thing to remember here is that we are NOT dealing with blood clots in a true sense of what blood clots are. Yes, in a normal clot there are some elements of fibrinogen and other components that create scaffolding for the clot designed to initiate healing. But these calamari looking structures that are being pulled from the bodies of the deceased are something completely different. They do not seem to be derived from blood components. Therefore, drugs, supplements, enzymes, etc., that are used to dissolve typical clots may not be effective.
It is a constant uphill battle to effectively investigate these structures because of the censorship and the lack of resources devoted to the task. Any treatment requires having an understanding of the causative processes involved in order to formulate a mitigating strategy to deal with the condition. We do not even have a clear idea as to the ingredients present in these "clot shots" much less ascertain the mechanisms of action that causes these fibrous clots to form. What we have been able to find out, such as it is given the resources available, it does not appear that we are dealing with any known physiological disease process. Our understanding of these obstructions is not much further along than when they first appeared over a year ago. We know even less about how to treat for them.
At this time it does not appear that we have much to offer in the way of treatment to actually dissolve these structures or how to prevent them. I have listened to some of the best people dealing with this time bomb and they do not sound encouraged as to what we can offer - but they continue to look for solutions. Therefore, whatever is recommended is basically going to be spit balling. But, better to do something than nothing. So here are my recommendations based on what information is available. Most of it continues to be common sense strategies for overall good health in a toxic world.
Deal with inflammation. Any supplements or dietary changes that can lessen inflammation's effect on the circulatory system may be helpful in keeping these obstructions from forming in the first place. Natto and Serratiopeptase may be useful. Between the two, I would choose the Serratiopeptase. Don't forget NAC - hugely important.
Clean up the diet. Avoid anything taken into the body that may be providing the materials that these obstructions use. Remember, from what we know about these obstructions at present, they do not seem to derive from blood. They are built from other materials. Until we can get better information, that is what we have. So avoid commercially processed stuff that calls itself food.
Lessen EMF exposure. We continue to see associations with activation of structures in the body by way of EMF. This means routers, smart appliances, and anything else that may be emitting a signal. People underestimate LEDS. Personally, when I saw what these lights were emitting on my meters, I went back to regular lights. Good thing I stored up on bulbs because they have gotten much harder to find. I wonder why?
Most importantly, no more injections - period. All injectables going forward contain graphene oxide - a common denominator that continues to show up at the crime scene. La Quinta Columna has found what appears to be GO in every injectable they examined. This includes all vaxxinations, even standard childhood and adult vaxxines. I think they even found GO in insulin. And don't think your pets get a pass. GO is in pet vaxxinations as well.
I personally will continue to post information as I come across it. This is my wheelhouse and my passion - to help people be well. God bless all of you frens.
Yes. Unclogging your arteries in general is a good thing. I guess if you have a fully formed clot it might be unwise that's only when its fully formed.
My wife had a blood clot about 13 years ago in upper thigh/groin area, (probably from birth control). We only figured out a couple years ago that the blood clot region never "re-opened". She has occasional pains/aches from this nowadays because of this poor circulation (smaller capillaries trying to do a big job, etc.)....anyways, our naturopathic Dr. recommended we give Natto a try for a kinda of "nothing to lose" type reason. FWIW, he didn't think it was dangerous with regards to the clot breaking up type too fast type scenario. But Doctors can be wrong.
The only thing I can say is that in the video that was on the board a couple days ago featuring the embalmer, etc...Secrets of the Morgue Part 1 and 2...they said that the material pulled out of the blood vessels of the dead people were NOT blood appeared to be a fibrous material. They sent some to Mike Adams to have him evaluate what the material was not blood based. It will be an interesting find.
I'm very excited to see what Mike Adams finds.
I bet it has its own DNA.
Secrets of the Morgue
I literally filled 2 cavities after taking high dose K2 for 8 months (it transports calcium out of the arteries and into your bones and teeth). Make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D and magnesium too since all these vitamins and minerals work synergistically. I’ve read that K2 has anti-clot and anti-cancer qualities too.
K2 supplements give me migraines. Never had a migraine until I began K2 supplements. They went away a week after stopping.
wow. thats...amazing lol
How much K2 did you take daily?
The thing to remember here is that we are NOT dealing with blood clots in a true sense of what blood clots are. Yes, in a normal clot there are some elements of fibrinogen and other components that create scaffolding for the clot designed to initiate healing. But these calamari looking structures that are being pulled from the bodies of the deceased are something completely different. They do not seem to be derived from blood components. Therefore, drugs, supplements, enzymes, etc., that are used to dissolve typical clots may not be effective.
It is a constant uphill battle to effectively investigate these structures because of the censorship and the lack of resources devoted to the task. Any treatment requires having an understanding of the causative processes involved in order to formulate a mitigating strategy to deal with the condition. We do not even have a clear idea as to the ingredients present in these "clot shots" much less ascertain the mechanisms of action that causes these fibrous clots to form. What we have been able to find out, such as it is given the resources available, it does not appear that we are dealing with any known physiological disease process. Our understanding of these obstructions is not much further along than when they first appeared over a year ago. We know even less about how to treat for them.
At this time it does not appear that we have much to offer in the way of treatment to actually dissolve these structures or how to prevent them. I have listened to some of the best people dealing with this time bomb and they do not sound encouraged as to what we can offer - but they continue to look for solutions. Therefore, whatever is recommended is basically going to be spit balling. But, better to do something than nothing. So here are my recommendations based on what information is available. Most of it continues to be common sense strategies for overall good health in a toxic world.
Deal with inflammation. Any supplements or dietary changes that can lessen inflammation's effect on the circulatory system may be helpful in keeping these obstructions from forming in the first place. Natto and Serratiopeptase may be useful. Between the two, I would choose the Serratiopeptase. Don't forget NAC - hugely important.
Clean up the diet. Avoid anything taken into the body that may be providing the materials that these obstructions use. Remember, from what we know about these obstructions at present, they do not seem to derive from blood. They are built from other materials. Until we can get better information, that is what we have. So avoid commercially processed stuff that calls itself food.
Lessen EMF exposure. We continue to see associations with activation of structures in the body by way of EMF. This means routers, smart appliances, and anything else that may be emitting a signal. People underestimate LEDS. Personally, when I saw what these lights were emitting on my meters, I went back to regular lights. Good thing I stored up on bulbs because they have gotten much harder to find. I wonder why?
Most importantly, no more injections - period. All injectables going forward contain graphene oxide - a common denominator that continues to show up at the crime scene. La Quinta Columna has found what appears to be GO in every injectable they examined. This includes all vaxxinations, even standard childhood and adult vaxxines. I think they even found GO in insulin. And don't think your pets get a pass. GO is in pet vaxxinations as well.
I personally will continue to post information as I come across it. This is my wheelhouse and my passion - to help people be well. God bless all of you frens.
My husband cleared out his left carotid artery that was completely blocked with massive dosing of serrapeptase and nattokinase. We couldn’t believe it
Wow! Can you remember how much he took and how long he took it?
Vit k?
K2 yes.
There's no money in this so there have only been a few studies from Japan. Has promise though
Vit k?
You don't want massive blood clots breaking up...nothing you should be treating on your own
It's not about treating a blood clot per say. More just a general preventative health measure. It's a tried and true traditional Japanese Breakfast.
I know but if you have had the clot shot would it be wise to have them breaking up?
Yes. Unclogging your arteries in general is a good thing. I guess if you have a fully formed clot it might be unwise that's only when its fully formed.
My wife had a blood clot about 13 years ago in upper thigh/groin area, (probably from birth control). We only figured out a couple years ago that the blood clot region never "re-opened". She has occasional pains/aches from this nowadays because of this poor circulation (smaller capillaries trying to do a big job, etc.)....anyways, our naturopathic Dr. recommended we give Natto a try for a kinda of "nothing to lose" type reason. FWIW, he didn't think it was dangerous with regards to the clot breaking up type too fast type scenario. But Doctors can be wrong.
I take K2 daily and have for years. Hasn't hurt me any.