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“Contains bioengineered food”….. more and more I am seeing this on food labels. Read those food labels….the statement is not always near the ingredients list. I cook mostly from scratch and it is getting more difficult to find the ingredients that do not contain bioengineered food…. For two months I have eaten very simple to eliminate the poisoned foods. Have already lost 17 pounds… Read those labels…. Make healthy choices.
Congrats on your weight loss. I’ve been reading labels about ten years. It’s only gotten worse. The US organic label can mean from 5% to 100% organic. I rarely try to get organic anymore after learning that. I can tell the difference in organic sweet potatoes and strawberries and try to get them organic. Soon Non GMO label will be changed to something that sounds scientific. Guess they know people don’t know the big words and most won’t bother to research. I saw someone comment on an Instagram post that lives in Alaska. They said the Alaska salmon are being shipped to China for packaging. So many people buy shrimp and fish from Walmart don’t know how contaminated it is. I don’t order seafood at restaurants for that reason. Only seafood I order is from local ones that I know serves local, at the coast.
Processed foods subvert your taste buds, if you just learn to cook without it, you will be fine, learn to simmer fresh ingredients, with nothing added except aromatic veggies, onions and garlic and celery and whole spice, a touch of sea salt and fresh ground black pepper, get a crock pot. Whole foods! Stop eating boxed cereal, !!!! Bacon and eggs are healthier! Get breads with whole grains that are not in a plastic bag, If whole grains are hard to digest, get a bread maker and make your own french bread, flour and yeast and water and salt is all that is needed. Get a bean grinder for coffee, brew loose leaf tea in a pot. Throw out the microwave! I guarantee after 1 month of eating whole foods without additives or processed, if you then eat something processed, you will spit it out, you can actually taste the death in them. High Fructose Corn Syrup is poison, a by product of ethanol production, it is poison, omg so bad.
If we want to protect ourselves, we have to reduce our processed food consumptions to as close to zero as we can.
Side benefit, or main goal, of all those food processing plant fires?
Almost everything the Cabal did to hurt us, was also used by the WHs for bringing about the GA.