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Comments (124)
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It's critically important.
The shills give us a lot of attention these days. Expect that to intensify as things develop. We cannot afford to be thrown off-balance at key moments.
Does Purkiss still have a pack of shills following him around?
I was just about to say....Have a look at this thread....I'm the only one with downvotes....lol....And you know why?... Because I give as good as I get ...I don't believe in being PC... Keep them downvotes coming shills....😏😎
Updoot. Most the time u say about what I was gonna say.
I believe shills may be active on GAW. They could even be paid lurkers being used to silence and side-track important subjects. Know Graham's Hierarchy of Argument to help recognize these people. Their level of argument is always in the red area of the pyramid. IMHO I find that down-votes may be from such individuals and means you are over the target.
There's a good reason I blocked you...You're a condescending arrogant self-righteous narcissist....
like you say...DUDE!...have a look at my history and ask yourself why anyone would downvote the lord's prayer or when I say amen to the Lord??
Don't flatter yourself...
I agree with your thinking.
He’s probably grown some severe calluses from doing his job here. At some point you just have to say, fuck it, and say what you have to say! I get and respect it. But,,, I definitely don’t always agree.
You go right ahead and do whatever floats your boat mate...Votes mean FA...they are just an indicator...