Yesterday someone here posted about the problem of Reddit. A much bigger problem than Reddit is our University system.
Unlike Twitter, the liberal voices are not a multitude of bots echoing the same message, but rather tens of thousands of hate filled Marxist professors spewing their poison.
It would be nice if they were mostly among the 300,000 sealed indictments, but won't hold my breath.
Is changing the propaganda machine part of the plan?
End guaranteed Govt student loans.
Allow student loans to be resolved in bankruptcy.
The above will force Universities to create value.
Dont send your kids. Send them to trade school. I think parents and kids are starting to wake up. I don't think any of them should get their foolish debt paid off.,
Fkn A.
Turn them into housing and healthcare for disabled veterans
I've been saying this for years. People want to start fighting at local school board meetings, which does help, but the problem is that every single teacher in every single public school in the country is the product of the Marxist professors who run every single teaching program nationwide. And it's generations deep. If this does not change, and states are not forced to reel in the extremist professors who work at their public universities, then we are doomed. Very few students emerge with a free and logical mind. And even fewer teachers graduate with a teaching license unscathed and un-indoctrinated.
If the university system and student loan programs aren't completely overhauled, we're dead as a country and a culture. If you want to know where trannies and nonbinaries became trendy, it was in your local university classroom where students were being forced to read Judith Butler in a freshman English course.
Exactly. The education system prides itself on being the top down driver of culture.
So what's the solution?
The only thing I can think of is that universities must be forced to have a balanced faculty, and all opinions, including ultra-conservative ones, should be welcome. This is how it used to be in a truly liberal society. People could debate different ideas and philosophies without throwing a tantrum in a safe space and demanding that everyone from the other side be silenced. Students today have no balance. They only get one extreme viewpoint in the average university now, and if they don't regurgitate it, they fail. States should cut funding to universities that do not adhere to this rule and keep a tight watch on what professors are publishing. And in my opinion, all free speech should be welcome until the point professors promote any sort of violence, including anti-America statements. Any professor who says conservatives or whites should die or that they want to destroy America should be immediately canned.
Student loans need to die, too. Not everyone should go to college. Probably most people shouldn't. Most people should learn a trade or a medical specialty or other career skills, but very few people need a BA. Loans were made easy to get so that everyone can be indoctrinated, everyone can go into debt, and universities can operate like a corporation. True learning is the last priority. Encouraging affordable schools for trades and careers like nursing, medical techs, and veterinary techs would do a lot to help. (And then make sure your nursing instructors aren't also Marxists pushing pronouns and abortion. FACTS ONLY in the training schools.)
Don't go. I spent the afternoon culling my mementos from graduate school and thinking I would have been better off to have spent those years as a beach bum. I would have read more, been less stressed, and ended up with the same material position.
Defund it. The free market will punish them and create a reset.
Sue the university funds to oblivion for trying to kill their students and staff
Repurpose them for real schools
Tear it apart, compltely.
But the government needs to be uncucked first
The replacement would be state certified and managed trade schools
All STEM and even medical careers happen at these schools.
This fixes the division between white collar and blue collar
It also gets rid of arbritary requirements like "college level math" prerequisites or testing (SAT, ACT)
Shut it down.