posted ago by SocratesKnowsNothing ago by SocratesKnowsNothing +40 / -1

glaring questions:

how was he allowed to buy Twitter if there's so much damning information against the cabal?

are these twitter files really the biggest bombshell to be uncovered?

if we are to believe Elon is an enemy of the cabal and these twitter files aren't even close to the worst of the Twitter files, isn't Elon setting himself up for being "suicided"?

if Elon is a white hat and a known enemy of the cabal he should want to disclose the worst communications first to best protect him from being suicided. can only imagine what sick shit is captured within twitter comms related to pedophilia, adrenochrome, frazzledrip, murders, etc.

not much of this adds up to me at this point in the game. i hope this isn't a cabal plant trying to appease anons and others that are becoming aware of the corruption throughout our world. too many on GAW are putting their hopium eggs into this basket. i remain hopeful and believe good wins over evil ultimately, just not sure this is a white hat op. if Elon uses Twitter to save Brazilians from a corrupted election that will certainly bode well for the Elon is a white hat