Here’s the deal. I think the Covid/”Vaccine” propaganda campaign is yet more of the Cabal using Symbol Comms to relay big happenings with one another. Well, not just the Cabal, but also White Hats. I think White Hats commandeered the operation as soon as it was put into play. Or, at the latest by Jan 20th, 2021. That’s just my hypothesis, but it’s not one that is unfounded. I’m sure you’ve all seen this before:
Blood clots, masks, jabs, boosters, died suddenlies, etc. would all then correspond to some secret detail concerning the individuals they are associated with.
I do think the list above isn't entirely accurate, however...
Let’s examine this from a position of a Cabal DeepStater. They don’t want to get caught out by White Hats, but they still have to appear business as usual. Which means, they have to take MANY precautions not only to avoid getting bugged, spied on, tracked, or found in a compromising position, but they also have to make sure they can continue to do their dirty deals while also preserving an escape plane. Some may make deals with White Hats to avoid immediate scrutiny. That may also just mean sending White Hats on a wild goose chase with the façade of cooperation.
It could also mean that they are sincerely coming forward to help White Hats drain the swamp. I know, I know, too good to be true, but hear me out.
There’s lots of moving parts, and while I’m confident enough to write up this hypothesis on the terms and their esoteric meanings, I’m not yet confident enough to say this is what they mean with 100% certainty. More or less, this is how I personally would structure the Comms, simply because they make idiomatic sense to me.
So, without further ado, here it goes:
Masks = Using rubber masks, body doubles, Hollywood CGI, or some other means of hiding your identity during transit or even using proxies when forced to keep up appearances publicly.
Covid Status = Current status of your involvement in an ongoing investigation, embellished further by terms such as: fever, covid positive, covid negative, sniffles, cough, shakes and shivers, etc.
Covid Positive = You are formally being investigated (current focus).
Covid Negative = You are not being investigated (current focus) at this time, but that may change in the future.
Been in Contact with Someone with Covid = You were mentioned in the case files of someone under investigation.
Fever = Feeling the heat of an investigation, and having the spotlight on you.
Sniffles = People close to you are talking about you. Drip, drip, drip, there's a leak...
Cough = You may have given up details, wittingly or unwittingly, possibly due to coercion and threats. "Cough it up, already!"
Shakes and Shivers = You’re being tortured (rare).
Grateful = You’ve been detained and are behind bars.
Quaranteen/Lockdown = You’re unable to travel; airports and piers are being monitored. Possibly being deposed or challenging an indictment.
Never Vaccinated = You’re a clean “pureblood” who may be a no-good politician, but at least you aren’t a Cabalist. In other words, you’re cooperating fully from the get-go. Doesn’t rule out Controlled Opposition, however.
Vaccinated = You made a deal offer with investigators.
Double Vaccinated = Investigators accepted your deal. You have artificial “immunity.” AKA a plea deal.
Booster = You may have broke the terms of the deal; so they altered the deal, pray they don’t alter it any further.
Brains = Puppet masters, campaign directors, and lawyers. “So, you’re the brains of the outfit, aye!?”
Aneurysm/Brain Clot/Stroke = Your puppet masters are changing hands, and you’re looking at new leadership, like when a sportsball athlete gets traded. (Fetterman may have had a change in puppet masters.)
Heart = Cabinet, assistants, and immediate campaign team. Those closest to the vest, who know your “innermost” secrets, for better or worse.
Heart Attack = A traitor in your own team sold you out. May require a new heart (transplant) to weed out any scum, filthy, Judases still kicking around.
Blood = Your constituency and financial backing. The “lifeblood” of the organization. Generally, describes team morale and confidence.
Blood Clot = When your funding gets sluggish, your constituency isn’t following orders, and when people are forming cliques and squabbling.
Died Suddenly = Demanded Witness Protection to whisk them away. You leave everything you own, abandon all electronics, and forget all bank accounts and phone numbers. New identity, after a long stint in an undisclosed location. Not even your family (Comms unaware) knows if you’re still alive.
Cancer = Depending on the organ involved, designates parts of your team are now working against you. It’s not necessarily they are working for White Hats, but more or less they’re in it for themselves now and are looting the storeroom before jumping ship.
Shit/Crap/Scat/Poopoo = Evidence of wrongdoings left behind.
Toilet Paper = Establishing an alibi; specifically “receipts” proving you’re clean. “See ma, I wiped!”
Colon Cancer = Your “evidence clean up team”, the people who wipe your ass, are out of commission. Which means, you can’t clean up after yourself, and if you do it hurts like a son-of-a-bitch. In other words, you’re plagued by evidence laying around and can’t stop leaving a scat trail for investigators to follow.
Knee Surgery = You can’t stand on your own. You’ve been “benched.” You have fallen and can’t get up. In other words, you’re not important anymore and people have to wheel you around to make appearances. Bad feels man. Just look at the “Pope.” Basically just a Weekend at Bernie’s mannequin at this point. People are forced to wheel you around.
"Grateful to be Vaccinated" = Behind bars for life because of the deals (vaccinations) taken, having escaped the death penalty. (We must remember, testimony from higher-up officials is essential to draining the swamp completely. Though we may justifiably want them dead, some are better left alive if they are willing to testify against all the others.)
Operation Warp Speed = Saved millions of lives. How? Not because of the “vaccines.” Instead, it was the most merciful war-time act any President has ever taken. “10-million” people involved in DeepState operations were given an opportunity to come clean.
How is it that I can make such claims, you ask?
Well, the first indicator is that at the start of the “vaccine” hysteria, everyone was against “Trump’s” vaccine. After January 20th, they all really changed their opinions, right?
Of course, this does mean that the DeepState had their opportunity to poison us, right?
Why would Trump allow any of these scumbags leniency if they would just turn around and kill us all off with the “vaccines” anyways? Seems like it called for a “no mercy” policy.
Well, if that happened then we’d still be in lockdowns, along with them. They were gonna push the “vaccine” out anyways. That was gonna happen regardless of what Trump did. Once the virus was released, that was the timeline we were set on. Warp Speed allowed investigators to perform their roles under cover, such that the Cabal couldn’t drum up a Civil War as countless individuals in high offices, from judges to scrub political activists, were nabbed on the street daily. While we would love to see them all get tossed in a van like “side of beef” Killary, it would only have served to encourage them all to scatter like cockroaches in the sunlight. Ask any exterminator – that’s a bad way to destroy an infestation.
Another clue was the toilet paper shortage. Why toilet paper? Why not gas?
Because toilet paper were alibies. At the start of Covid, everyone realized what Trump was doing. "It" was happening. Transparency and Accountability. You see, Covid didn’t happen just because they planned a pandemic to bring in the New World Order. No, that’s too short-sighted. Covid, the pLandemic, was always their last “doomsday” trap card to play the immediate moment White Hats would decided to start investigating the DeepState. It was their card to play.
Which also means they knew they’ve been moments away from DECLASS and the 200 Kennedy Generals stepping in to end their racket.
The Cabal knew the economy was set to go bust between 2025-2031. They needed a war or something to reset the debt clock, like they’ve done for centuries now. They probably did think 2012 was going to be the big “CERN opens a portal to Hell and the Anti-Christ comes” thing, according to their “Mayan calendar” Armageddon prophecies, Rosicrucian/Illuminati/Freemason NWO plans, and whatnot. They didn’t get that, so they had to push a “Four Horsemen” scenario to hedge their bets on resetting the clock. That led in to the U1 scandal and “they never thought she would lose” to take us back to the Georgia-Guidestones Great Reset, horse and buggy, dark ages.
Terms like "heart attack, stroke, cancer" etc. have been around for ages. Covid was the Cabal's opportunity to establish Comms terms for use in relaying who got got in a global DECLASS event. Again, I believe Trump and frens took over their Comms they've had set up for decades and turned it into an apparatus to facilitate covert investigations into the DeepState.
It's a good thing... Even though it might not seem like it at first glance.
All this is a tangled mess of moves and countermoves. Trump, Q, Patriots, and the 200 Generals have been planning around their "pLandemic" contingency plans, and if my theory is correct, they planned all these terms accordingly for the biggest mafia shakedown in human history.
Another way to look at it is that we actually won, hands down, as soon as Hillary lost 2016. Everything since then has just been working through the motions. We've had our hands on the tangled Christmas lights since 2016 -- it's just now the arduous process of untangling them and changing out the light bulbs that burned out.
Of course, that doesn't stop them from trying to screw with us while we untangle the mess, if only to take the chance at hiding their individual wrongdoings...
Anyways, I’m reaching the character limit. I may do a sequel, but I just wanted to get the terms out of the way for now. Thanks to those who made it this far!
Check the comments for my previous Thinking in Symbols posts.
For more of this, here's my series of Thinking in Symbols. Not everything is set in stone, it's just my interpretations.
The Symbol Language
The Acroamatic Cipher
It's all Make Believe
1 Shooting Stars
2 What does the Fox say?
3 Climate Change
4 Racism and White Supremacy
5 Arctic Animals
6 The Farm (1)
7 Fish and Mercury
8 The Farm (2)
9 Metals
10 Freemasonry and the Game of Life (1)
11 369 Theory and Numbers (1)
12 369 Theory and Numbers (2)
13 Water, Ice, and Antarctica
14 Vampires, Werewolves, and other Mythical Creatures
15 Networks
16 DOE, a deer, a female deer...
17 World Penguin History Day
18 "Fear the Old Blood"
19 "Let's talk about your health." Covid Terms Symbolism