How Many Studies Will it Take to Convince Your Vaxx-Loving Friends and Family the Jabs Cause Myocarditis?
Those who used to say, "Follow the science," are now struggling to keep their narrative alive. We need to continue hammering that narrative until it's completely removed from existence.
I love my family and friends but some are so hard core indoctrinated they will never wake up.....until they DON'T wake up. :(
This ^^^ I was going to say basically this. One day they are just going to pass away from the vax and it is what it is. Until that day I pray for them, and encourage them to get right with God and Jesus.
...the world is full of stupid people....
…..not for long…..
Spoke to an old coworker today. She and her husband got the jab. Husband developed a benign brain tumor. They have total vax regret. Some folks are waking up. Most I know aren't getting any more shots. The only ones still getting boosters are the urban liberals.
...c'est la vie...
only people like this wake up. I have friends with heart issues on kids and keep took. No amount of data convince them. I stopped.
Mass Formation Psychosis.... another example of cognitive dissonance.
Does anyone know the answer to this question: If you've been jabbed, is it a sure thing that you will die from it, perhaps some years down the road?
If a person is jabbed and they don't get boosters and 18 months have gone by, are they "safe" ?
Bottom line is this: Is there any science that suggests that it is just a matter of time for everyone jabbed?
Of course you have to take into account batches, placebo shots, etc. Bill Gates said "a 10 pct reduction due to vaccines was feasible" or something like that... so, 10 percent of those jabbed is 20M+.
...100% probability we all are going to die from something...
...government involvement just accelerates that occurrence happening...
The most horrifying statistic is the survival rate for the mRNA test subjects from 10+ years ago. Most are dead.
Assuming that report was accurate.
But those were done on rats, if we’re talking about the same study. Hopefully it’s not as grim on humans.
If programable nanochips have been inserted through this clot shot so that they can be activated by 5-G etc., it seems possible people could be un-programmed using the same processes. Hopelessness is not an option where Jesus is involved.
We don't know because the data has been hidden from us. It was a large-scale experiment with different ingredients in different batches. I think those that got jabbed in the very beginning, the seniors, are probably fairly safe because they didn't want to kill them all off quick and scare the population. Anyone whose gotten anything in the last year is probably screwed. Unless there is a way to undo it. I hope there is. My entire family fell for it.
You also have to think it was Russian roulette. Every additional shot they got, the less chances for all of them to be saline.
Sadly, the only way to convince vaxx-loving friends and family is for them to hear it on the MSM news.
...or to bury a large number of their constituents....
Still they will say long covid or climate change shit
MSM knows they are wrong about everything. They will only spin and never report anything. They are drowning and it doesn't matter if it is one feet or bottom of ocean.
They won’t read them. I tried. They don’t want to look at them. They are afraid to look. I feel for them. Many were tricked or coerced.
...the truth arrives in somber attire....
I don’t know if we’ll ever convince more than a few. And then, is it too late for them already? They have bought into this so completely. Here it is - almost 3 years after the first inklings of a “plandemic” and I saw - TODAY - a woman in our very, very small town who was driving alone in her car wearing one of those “coffee filter” masks over her nose/mouth. At the same time I saw a woman walk into the grocery store wearing a blue mask, and another woman was walking across the parking lot (in below freezing temps that would certainly kill a real virus) and she was also dutifully masked - outside, in a parking lot, ALL ALONE. And none of these women were even close to being considered “elderly” - probably all in mid to late 30s! I find myself wondering, “ Who ARE these people?” They can’t be for real! Are they robots/AI trying to keep people thinking we have to do this stuff still? How do they NOT notice that the majority of people around them are going about their lives unmasked, and not recognize how odd they look now that we have pretty much all decided this whole thing was a farce. It boggles the mind.
Guy I know had COVID. So, he has natural immunity.
Decides to take the j&j shot. Reasoning is unclear, but I don't argue because he's already taken it.
Then says he got myocardits from it. Freaks out. Swears off anymore depop shots or boosters.
Now claims his doc has now told him his myocarditis wore off and he doesn't have it anymore.
His story does not make sense to me and I don't believe it.
Took a long look at him. Dead man walking.
...his logic is what "wore off".....
Indeed. To top it all off, he thinks I'm the one off kilter.
...doggy eye rolls....
They don’t want to believe it. Telling them is a waste of your time and just alienates you from them. Eventually it will be become undeniable or an authority figure will tell them. That’s where you are needed. Showing them never ending studies is useless.
Agree 100 percent
I agree 100%. They don’t want to know or, probably more accurately, they don’t want to admit they were wrong and they were betrayed. So they double down and make everything a million times worse for themselves and their kids. I know a young jabbed woman my daughter works with. Just gave birth to her first child at 29 weeks. I pray to God he’ll be okay. Lost two friends over the summer after they were dutifully jabbed and the cancers they’d both been successfully fighting for years came ROARING back with a vengeance. These ppl don’t even realize what they’ve set themselves up for.
"It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they have been fooled" --Mark Twain
With that in mind, and seeing the mental gymnastics of these functional retards, I'd wager on never.
Forget it. CNN tells them the Sun rises in the West. That's all they need to know.