I thought it was strange when he said this. Because I'm like so his idea of "Reproductive Justice" is killing babies... How is that even Reproductive Justice? That's just killing babies.
He's like, "Don't worry everybody!!! I will still be supporting the entire Hate America agenda, just in my own private echo chamber now. Come watch me wallow in retardation at..."
Lefties are so stupid they're returning to Tumblr.
A platform built on so much porn that it rivaled Pornhub and died when they banned it.
Are they going to try MySpace too?
You're on to something...
Tumblr reallows nudity after 4 year lockdown
Knowing comms, etc. seems like Tumblr is perhaps their backup asset to retreat to.
Intriguing. It seems to line up
Holy Ratio!
I never thought the day I found these actors' true colors, they all turn out to be a bunch of pussies.
When you live in a bubble that protects your bullshit indefensible ideas...
Ruffalo probably think he’s a spokesman for global warming because he occasionally turns green
"reproductive justice"
Is that how these faggots classify abortion? Leftism is mental illness, without question.
I thought it was strange when he said this. Because I'm like so his idea of "Reproductive Justice" is killing babies... How is that even Reproductive Justice? That's just killing babies.
What was the saying? "This isn't an airport you don't have to announce your departure"
So in case anyone is wondering, he's decided to move his more degenerate activities over to tumblr. That's what this means.
Laughing and Laughing! Cat Turd, You are the Best!!!!
I guess Ruffalo is famous? I have no idea who he is.
I never liked him.
Who is he anyways?? Is he from Bufffalo?
He really believes he is the Hulk! and can Hulk smash anything.
He's like, "Don't worry everybody!!! I will still be supporting the entire Hate America agenda, just in my own private echo chamber now. Come watch me wallow in retardation at..."
Like who is this guy, and why should I care? Now that the bots are gone, these people need to go get real job skills.