The measure, Senate Bill 145, will amend existing state law that allows judges to decide whether an adult convicted of having vaginal sexual intercourse with a minor should register as a sex offender in cases in which the minor is 14 years or older and the adult is not more than 10 years older than the minor.
Currently, adults who are convicted of having oral or anal sex with a minor under those circumstances are automatically added to the state’s sex offender registry. SB 145 will eliminate automatic sex offender registration in those cases and give judges discretion to make that decision.
The screenshot is from someone who didn't read all of it, although the only part they got wrong was the age. 14 instead of 11.
This is only a placeholder. Once it's made normal for a college graduate to sleep with high school freshmen, California will work to widen the gap further.
Way ahead of you in Trudeau's clownada. Across the board age of "consent" is 16, and children now have legally enforced decision making powers under the "mature minor" rules.
Vaccines, genital mutilation without telling parents, who knows how deep the cesspit is
It will be the same as inflation, when they see that the Americans get used to it, they will bring more inflation until it reaches 50%, but in the pedophilia law it will be the other way around instead of increasing the age it will decrease.
YES. I remember when they were trying to force "gay marriage" down our throats. "They just want to see their loved one die in the hospital when only family is allowed!" "They just want to be able to use the insurance of their spouse, just because they love someone of the same sex!" All "innocent" reasons. Now we have drag queen story hour, pride months/prarades in schools and libraries, pronouns of every stupid person, and pedophiles wanting equality. It's how they do things.
CA has a groomer senator pushing all these groomer laws through ,Scott Wiener... of all names.
Dude is destroying this place one law at a time.
He got caught writing his own threat too.
He's a piece of work.
I got it from Australian Bosi. I've honestly been questioning him because I've noticed this with a few things ive shared. And his "one day ill be the Aussie president / prime minister" quote got me too
I did find this site that of course tried justifying, "dont waste resources on 18 year olds having sex with girlfriend / boyfriend aged 17 BUT it also states up to 10 years older a person can have sex with a 14year old
It's too bad all the sane, non-Democrats, in CA can't move out of the state so the rest of the country, and the world, can see what happens when a large state, equivalent to a country, is comprised of nothing but leftists, run by leftists, and experiences the consequences.
So the facts are that a 24 year old can legally have sex with your 14 year old and the judge can decide NOT to put them on the sex offender registry. Pedos protecting pedos in that disgusting CA government!
You want to wash millions of Patriots that haven't had a fair election in years into the ocean. I and most of the people I know can't just pick up and give ground. This is my land and I am staying until the end.
My highschool friend father is a 3 strike felon serving a life sentence for paying a 11 year old for a BJ. The POS would be walking free in Pedofornia if it happen today. What is wrong with the folks out there to allow that?
OK - yes - one more slide down the slippery slope. No, it does not change the age of consent. Nor does it legalize pedophilia. It's another step into oblivion for California. Yes, they already allowed judge's discretion if a 24 year old raped a 17 year old girl. The judge could decide if that perverted piece of crap should be on the registry, or if he would be able to continue to rape kids.
But the law did not allow the judge to have discretion when a 24 year old raped a 17 year old boy. In that case, the judge had to put the perverted piece of crap on the registry. This squares the triangle of kid rape.
Interestingly, it will likely result in more convictions, not fewer. Judges have been exercising judicial restraint through suspended convictions in order to circumvent the requirement to put the child raping piece of crap on the registry.
They should just make murder legal, too, because that's what's going to happen when the parents completely cave in the head of the pedophiles that go after their kids.
The screenshot is from someone who didn't read all of it, although the only part they got wrong was the age. 14 instead of 11.
This is only a placeholder. Once it's made normal for a college graduate to sleep with high school freshmen, California will work to widen the gap further.
And then they'll go to work on "consent".
Eventually, you'll lose your parental rights unless you offer your toddlers to the Temple Prostitutes at the local Church of Moloch.
Way ahead of you in Trudeau's clownada. Across the board age of "consent" is 16, and children now have legally enforced decision making powers under the "mature minor" rules.
Vaccines, genital mutilation without telling parents, who knows how deep the cesspit is
It will be the same as inflation, when they see that the Americans get used to it, they will bring more inflation until it reaches 50%, but in the pedophilia law it will be the other way around instead of increasing the age it will decrease.
YES. I remember when they were trying to force "gay marriage" down our throats. "They just want to see their loved one die in the hospital when only family is allowed!" "They just want to be able to use the insurance of their spouse, just because they love someone of the same sex!" All "innocent" reasons. Now we have drag queen story hour, pride months/prarades in schools and libraries, pronouns of every stupid person, and pedophiles wanting equality. It's how they do things.
It is also against the law, unless I am mistaken, to do autopsies on toddlers. Also, the dead can now be composted. .
Well they should be composted seperately. I dont want my tomatos coming up with unbalanced hormones or fentanyl and mcdonalds in them.
My guess... It's intentional, meant as a trap for fact-checkers.
CA has a groomer senator pushing all these groomer laws through ,Scott Wiener... of all names. Dude is destroying this place one law at a time. He got caught writing his own threat too. He's a piece of work.
Yes, I have noticed the same. Plus he is just a dick - no pun intended. Really not a nice person.
"This read like a text book. Too difficult to read." - One Star Review
The low star ratings are a hilarious look at the room temp IQ some of these people have.
Hes also a jew. Which should say it all anyway
Yes, yes it is. People here need to start seeing this for the warning flag that it is.
I got it from Australian Bosi. I've honestly been questioning him because I've noticed this with a few things ive shared. And his "one day ill be the Aussie president / prime minister" quote got me too
I did find this site that of course tried justifying, "dont waste resources on 18 year olds having sex with girlfriend / boyfriend aged 17 BUT it also states up to 10 years older a person can have sex with a 14year old
Our vote never mattered in ca. you know it’s true bc newsom “won” his recall ….and his reselection.
That's how I feel here in oz too. Both state and fed got in on only 30% preference
I'm not sure if the exact ages are correct but yes they say younger kids can consent if the age difference isn't too much and its pretty gross.
We also got they that can censure doctors for missinfo super easy. California has problems.
IF parents aren't protesting this, I've lost hope for you disgusting pedo accepters.
They're just waiting on the right story to roll out to the public.
They need the right tragedy to some how make pedos the victims.
It's too bad all the sane, non-Democrats, in CA can't move out of the state so the rest of the country, and the world, can see what happens when a large state, equivalent to a country, is comprised of nothing but leftists, run by leftists, and experiences the consequences.
So the facts are that a 24 year old can legally have sex with your 14 year old and the judge can decide NOT to put them on the sex offender registry. Pedos protecting pedos in that disgusting CA government!
More sauce:
The bill was authored by a homo with the last name Weiner.
Passed by a Communist controlled State Assembly, and signed by a Communist Governor.
CA will be bringing down the wrath of God for this 'State Sanctioned' child abuse.
I'll get the rope
Com on 10.9 Rictor scale. Shake that crap into the ocean.
Wishing evil on millions of innocent people is kind of a ray epps mentality.
You want to wash millions of Patriots that haven't had a fair election in years into the ocean. I and most of the people I know can't just pick up and give ground. This is my land and I am staying until the end.
Is the meme also? 2020 news implied its in debate vs the meme implied it happened.
My highschool friend father is a 3 strike felon serving a life sentence for paying a 11 year old for a BJ. The POS would be walking free in Pedofornia if it happen today. What is wrong with the folks out there to allow that?
OK - yes - one more slide down the slippery slope. No, it does not change the age of consent. Nor does it legalize pedophilia. It's another step into oblivion for California. Yes, they already allowed judge's discretion if a 24 year old raped a 17 year old girl. The judge could decide if that perverted piece of crap should be on the registry, or if he would be able to continue to rape kids.
But the law did not allow the judge to have discretion when a 24 year old raped a 17 year old boy. In that case, the judge had to put the perverted piece of crap on the registry. This squares the triangle of kid rape.
Interestingly, it will likely result in more convictions, not fewer. Judges have been exercising judicial restraint through suspended convictions in order to circumvent the requirement to put the child raping piece of crap on the registry.
They should just make murder legal, too, because that's what's going to happen when the parents completely cave in the head of the pedophiles that go after their kids.
Tweens probably ought to steer clear of Frat houses in Cali.
You spelled San Francisco wrong. Willing college girls Vs a 14 year old?
I think this bill is more for the 🌈 community and their grooming
Can we make the issue of aids spreading back now that it can't be moderated. I feel that the young adult hook up culture is dastardly rampant.