It is... And it isn't. All the freedom liabilities taking themselves out isn't so terrible. It's not what I wanted by any means. However... Their bodies, their lives, their stupid decisions.
At first, it was due to gullibility and trust that the government would "take care" of them. After that, it became more of an IQ test to discern all the facts that contradicted the official narratives, etc... and figure out that they were being lied to.
This is just the beginning. If the big clots don't get them, the micro clots are thought to be more prevalent, and those take 3 to 5 years to kill people slowly due to organ failure.
Of course the DS/cabal will try to blame C19 for everything, but the 80 million pureblood control group in the US ruins that narrative before it even gets started.
But I'm thinking that virtually everyone got some level of covid, through actual infection or through the shots. The long-term effects of asymptomatic infections may never be known. And then there are people like my wife and I, who had covid, but didn't go to the hospital, but definitely suffered some odd symptoms, and I don't know if it was coincidental, but a few months after I had covid, I wasn't feeling all that great and went to a physicians assistant who I heard wasn't a big Pharma stooge, and ended up getting a coronary artery calcium scan, which showed that I have fairly advanced heart disease. It's possible that covid, and the covid shots, are just accelerating whatever circulatory condition you may have had prior to covid, and then there is the decreased immunity of people who got the shots. If this is true, you couldn't come up with a better way to decrease the global population without it seeming like a sudden die off.
That’s what I think. I know 2 people who had cancer in remission and it came back after the stupid shot. And another person who got leukemia. I hate this.
How old are you if I may ask? A lot of heart disease, in fact chronic disease, in general are asymptomatic. So it may or may not be related to Covid. And the family history and diet have a lot of impact as well.
I forget exactly if it was low phosphate or was it potassium but when that’s low it actually causes your bones to secrete it’s calcium so there’s more calcium circulating in the blood which can contribute to hardening of the arteries or plaque accumulation.
Hope you doing well. Also I don’t know why people downdooting your post so updooting.
I don't know how far the heart disease I was diagnosed with had progressed prior to covid. Prior "regular" physicals and even a couple cardiologist visits didn't indicate ANY heart disease. It runs in my family so I had been a little more concerned than average. The coronary artery calcium (CAC) scan can show if you have heart disease even if there are no other symptoms. It only costs ~$100 for the scan, so I would recommend it for anyone over 40. I'm in my 60's now. I think covid caused a big ramp up in whatever calcification I had, but I'll never know because I didn't have the CAC scan until after having covid. Colas, because they have phosphoric acid, causes depletion of bone calcium, so I quit drinking that many years ago.
It is... And it isn't. All the freedom liabilities taking themselves out isn't so terrible. It's not what I wanted by any means. However... Their bodies, their lives, their stupid decisions.
At first, it was due to gullibility and trust that the government would "take care" of them. After that, it became more of an IQ test to discern all the facts that contradicted the official narratives, etc... and figure out that they were being lied to.
This is just the beginning. If the big clots don't get them, the micro clots are thought to be more prevalent, and those take 3 to 5 years to kill people slowly due to organ failure.
Of course the DS/cabal will try to blame C19 for everything, but the 80 million pureblood control group in the US ruins that narrative before it even gets started.
But I'm thinking that virtually everyone got some level of covid, through actual infection or through the shots. The long-term effects of asymptomatic infections may never be known. And then there are people like my wife and I, who had covid, but didn't go to the hospital, but definitely suffered some odd symptoms, and I don't know if it was coincidental, but a few months after I had covid, I wasn't feeling all that great and went to a physicians assistant who I heard wasn't a big Pharma stooge, and ended up getting a coronary artery calcium scan, which showed that I have fairly advanced heart disease. It's possible that covid, and the covid shots, are just accelerating whatever circulatory condition you may have had prior to covid, and then there is the decreased immunity of people who got the shots. If this is true, you couldn't come up with a better way to decrease the global population without it seeming like a sudden die off.
I have read awhile back that a "theory" is that the jab accelerated existing health problems in many of those taking the jab + boosters.
That’s what I think. I know 2 people who had cancer in remission and it came back after the stupid shot. And another person who got leukemia. I hate this.
How old are you if I may ask? A lot of heart disease, in fact chronic disease, in general are asymptomatic. So it may or may not be related to Covid. And the family history and diet have a lot of impact as well.
I forget exactly if it was low phosphate or was it potassium but when that’s low it actually causes your bones to secrete it’s calcium so there’s more calcium circulating in the blood which can contribute to hardening of the arteries or plaque accumulation.
Hope you doing well. Also I don’t know why people downdooting your post so updooting.
I don't know how far the heart disease I was diagnosed with had progressed prior to covid. Prior "regular" physicals and even a couple cardiologist visits didn't indicate ANY heart disease. It runs in my family so I had been a little more concerned than average. The coronary artery calcium (CAC) scan can show if you have heart disease even if there are no other symptoms. It only costs ~$100 for the scan, so I would recommend it for anyone over 40. I'm in my 60's now. I think covid caused a big ramp up in whatever calcification I had, but I'll never know because I didn't have the CAC scan until after having covid. Colas, because they have phosphoric acid, causes depletion of bone calcium, so I quit drinking that many years ago.
This. At this point, I'm cool with taking the warning labels off of everything and letting the stupid and darwin sort things out themselves.
Depopulation, the right way.
If you have to be stupid, you'd better be tough.
You still need to warn people not to use an electric hair dryer in the shower or bath tub :)