Today's big announcement: TRUMP TRADING CARDS. OK, back to the salt mines, people!
When do you play the Trump card?
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I completely ignored the “big announcement” and didn’t even read about it, or any speculation. Literally had 0 expectations.
I told people to curb their enthusiasm. Nothing big ever follows "I'm making a big announcement tomorrow."
This is yuuuuge
A1, gOD tier tollmaster
This..Can't believe people still fall for his "follow the squirrel".
Yes but like damn. I didn't even expect that.
.... but the deepstate falls for it, right?
Its funny to watch the fake media scramble and the deep state burn up another weapon for something so small.
And you were given exactly that zero. I keep falling for it
When/if his big play comes, I guarantee it will not be announced beforehand
Because no one will pay attention to it by then?
Just sit back and wait, he will post. Why bother anymore, everyone is ALWAYS, wrong.
That’s it.
I was gonna make a comment, but decided I'd just let it go.
Not surprised at all.
Think of what this will do for future "big announcements." Sigh.