posted ago by KimJung-Un ago by KimJung-Un +60 / -1

The system is totally corrupted. There is not one entity left in the United States "justice" system that is clean. It's impossible to exist in that system as an honest person at this point.

Back when the FBI raided his home and it made big news was when I originally thought the arrest was a matter of time.

They are signalling to their pals outside of the US that it's happening. That they just need to show it to the masses.

The DS is playing the part of "we're exhausting all avenues".

They will present to the public that they did everything to make sure the arrest is legitimate and more importantly warranted.

Once the arrest happens, it will be the excuse they use to usher in a temporary police state lock down due to "extremist threats of violence".

The propaganda will be all out.

Let's also put into perspective that financial collapse of several markets is on the brink. They need something massive to put on headlines while the house burns in the background.

The timing of all this wrapping up is perfect.

It's coming.