Q asks, "Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself?"
People like to say Military Tribunals are for the military personnel and can't be used against civilians. You would be mistaken.
“Can military law apply to civilians?” The short answer is yes, but only under special circumstances."
As we continue to read here, those circumstances would be if President Trump signed the Insurrection Act.
The Insurrection Act is a law while "martial law" is a concept that doesn't have a legal definition in the U.S. "It's not enshrined anywhere," said Thaddeus Hoffmeister, a law professor at the University of Dayton.
Generally, martial law means that the military takes over civilian control of the government, whereas the Insurrection Act applies to specific instances of rebellion or refusal to uphold the law and requires a state's National Guard or the U.S. military to intervene.
Looking at the section above it says, "Insurrection Act applies to specific instances of rebellion or refusal to uphold the law and requires a state's National Guard or the U.S. military to intervene.
On January 6th, there was a refusal to uphold the law. The law broken would be refusing to look at alternate delegates. This is what the Brunson Supreme Court case is based on.
Also said above, "Requires National Guard to intervene"
When did the National Guard arrive to DC? On the evening of Jan 6th.
For Trump to initiate the Insurrection act, he must give a proclamation to disperse.
Here is his proclamation.
Go to page 7.
Under Article 2 of the Uniform Code, a “declared war” is necessary for a “time of war” to exist (which would then justify the trial of civilians by general court-martial)
Here, President Trump calls himself a war time President, "In a true sense, We Are At War". This is a war declaration.
"Military authority takes over civilian rule upon the declaration of martial law. As a result, the military holds immense power to run essential branches of the State, including the police, courts, and legislature or any lawmaking body."
It does not matter what the committee investigating Jan. 6 finds. The recommended criminal charges going to the DOJ against President Donald Trump are null and void. The marker that pushes the military to step forward may be the attempt to arrest President Trump.
We have been waiting for Durham to issue his findings. If we are under martial law, he most likely handed his findings to a military tribunal. Durham just gathered the evidence; military tribunals will prosecute the guilty. Would it make any sense for Durham to hand his recommended criminal charges to the DOJ? At this stage of the movie, the military has overruled the DOJ's authority.
Elon is releasing evidence that solidifies the Durham's special counsel findings. The FBI colluded with the DNC's fake Russia collusion story (Durham) and now the FBI colluded social networking sites to infringe our rights and manipulate the outcome of our 2020 election. (Musk)
You can bet your sweet little ass Trump signed the Insurrection Act on January 6th. We are under martial law, just wait for it, its coming.
Remember this?
Have a Merry Christmas my frens!!!
State rights? Are you talking about the 6 states that stole the election from Trump? They have the right to steal elections? Let me look that up....I can't find it, sorry.
Do you expect these people to turn themselves in? That will not happen, the military will have to go in and drag them out.
We have heard many rumors that the military was collecting internet data during the elections. They have the true vote count. I believe that is true, we will learn this once things go hot.
Good response.
The whole "states rights" folks sometimes are too stubborn on that. Yes... the states should be in charge.
But if they are cheating and taking over the election system via fraud. The military needs to come in and force them out.
"states' rights" do not exist anymore as 48 of the sovereign states have had their sovereignty usurped by CORPORATIONS that were overlaid on top of the states shortly after March 9, 1933 (see Act of March 9, 1933 which collateralized all sovereign states and assets for National Federal Debt owed to International Bankers per 1931 bankrupt Fed Gov). STATE OF NEBRASKA is a CORPORATION domiciled in Washington, D.C. Created by the STATE BAR OF NEBRASKA CORPORATION and installed as a Municipal Service Corporation in violation of Article IV, Section 4. All "state officials" are corporate officers, not officers of Nebraska State (Union state per 1788 Constitution).
Yes, this effectively means all politicians in all states can legally be arrested by the military all the way down to the city level (which are also corporations).
Alaska and Hawaii may never have had true state sovereignty as they were Federal Territories managed by the Congress and appear to have "joined the Union" under Trust II (1871) in 1959; not Trust I (1788). I believe this why they are run with an iron Federal fist of subjugation in all areas.
We're lorded over by British nobles and British agents.
Yes. Another level of the corruption, but I don’t have enough sauce yet to file lawsuits over the 1871 Trust II establishment of Admiralty Law jurisdiction over all Federal Lands and property via Washington DC Corporation. This was effectively collateralization of Federal property for debt owed to International Bankers after 1861 Fed gov’t bankruptcy #2. Bankruptcy #1 was in 1791, and #3 was 1931, with #4 on 9-11-2001, and #5 (suspected) on 9-11-21.
Even with state rights, the state governments don't have the right to commit fraud against their constituents.
It's also laid out in the federal Constitution how the states are to go about making election laws. It is rightfully left to the legislature to make election law; the governor is not to ignore it, and British nobles are not to "deem" those laws illegal.
This is true. But our states have been taken over by corrupt people in both parties.
The rules aren't the problem here.
The problem we are dealing with is bad actors now control the levers of power in certain states.
Maybe we need to drag them out...or at least show up in masses at our government offices - not trying to glow here, and I clearly don't want a civil war, just wondering what marker the military is waiting for and thinking about Brazil.
Their military didn't act until they needed to support the population that refused their own stolen election.
Maybe Brazil's media isn't compromised. that could be the difference.... but Brazils uprising was immediate and organic and their military threw their support behind its people
I want peace through truths, but damn it I want my country back, the borders secure, and criminals off the streets & out of our governments, schools, media and medical systems.
Our military knows what is going on. This movie was thought out years in advance. Several stages, contingency plans, moving the enemy where they want them. Information war, pulling the people back and forth, swaying public opinion, just like Twitter bots were designed to do. We see constant polls, results differ depending where they originate. It's always been about removing the brainwash and it is working. You don't have to convince everyone, just put the idea in there head and one day they will wake up. Getting as many people to our side before the trigger is pulled is the plan. Reducing the enemies numbers to a point that national guard could control any rebellion they may generate.
What do you think the marker is they are waiting for?
Is it something they are waiting for us to do?
I feel like they're waiting on us while we are waiting on them... like two friends waiting at opposite entrances to meet for dinner and they both leave disappointed in the other.
I am thinking Trump's arrest. Perhaps the Brunson case.