Kind of hard to do when your culture is being replaced to the tunes of millions of aliens a year. Our large cities have the culture of refugee camps at this point.
1st Amendment. He's going to need to push this all the way. He sounds like a jerk, and spitting on people IS a chargeable offense, but the "hate crime" thing for words? That needs to be ended.
Didn't Commifonia just pass the age of consent to 11yr Olds. Now it's AOK for 20 year Olds to have sex with an 11 year old as long as the child says ok.
This has to play out.
If we want this to never happen again. There has to be recent historical proof of this happening.
The problem with the Normies.
We cannot use the previous history to alarm them. They will always think "That would never happen here"!!!
The Whitehats are going to do nothing to stop the Cabal.
I think the whitehats believe that the Cabal system will destroy itself on its own. As long as the public is not asleep to it.
Sometimes it looks like that ship has sailed. Five years ago it was "In the next few days you'll notice we're taking back the country from the cabal".
If that had happened, that would have been cool
I think what they mean is taking the culture back.
Moving away or walling ourselves off isn't going to work.
We have to take the culture back.
Kind of hard to do when your culture is being replaced to the tunes of millions of aliens a year. Our large cities have the culture of refugee camps at this point.
It's not an easy fight for sure.
1st Amendment. He's going to need to push this all the way. He sounds like a jerk, and spitting on people IS a chargeable offense, but the "hate crime" thing for words? That needs to be ended.
I hate these guys....Knock, knock!
Didn't Commifonia just pass the age of consent to 11yr Olds. Now it's AOK for 20 year Olds to have sex with an 11 year old as long as the child says ok.
Exceptionally stupid story, no lawyer can help you with that shiite.
If he spit on people he needs jail after he leaves the hospital.
Sorry, we have freedom of speech.
If someone says words you don't like, just think "Sticks and stones...etc." and then shut the fuck up and go about your day
This guy spit on another person? That's not hate speech, it's assault.
True. Don’t anything physical can be construed as assault and battery. Verbally threatening as well. Mistakes were made here.