Profile: "We’re Democrats working hard to save Democracy. Pew Research and The New York Times said we successfully diminished Trump on social media. Follow us!"
Kinda why I say this slow waking up process is a waste of time. Normies don’t want to be inconvenienced with truth. Rip the band aid off. If they can’t handle it I do not care.
Sock puppet says what? > Can we just smash his hands into cuffs and march him off to a military tribunal for #CrimesAgainstHumanity instead? That's what needs to happen. He's a hero to satan maybe.
Just scrolling down a little proves that about half the population are complete fucking sheep.
8 of 10
I thought the same.
Did my part, said he is a criminal guilty of crimes against humanity
Mostly bots, including the post.
Account name: CallToActivism
Profile: "We’re Democrats working hard to save Democracy. Pew Research and The New York Times said we successfully diminished Trump on social media. Follow us!"
I just hope he lives long enough to face justice,but he will probably pull a hitler.....
hate to say it but most of the people still supporting him are taking the multiple boosters and will soon be sick and or dead
Kinda why I say this slow waking up process is a waste of time. Normies don’t want to be inconvenienced with truth. Rip the band aid off. If they can’t handle it I do not care.
I fully agree. The slow awakening is proving to be counter productive. They need to speed this shit up.
They will not face the truth until they are forced too so lets just get to that point.
Anyone who thinks he's a national hero must be 16 boosters in at this point.
Must be winter vagina.
Sock puppet says what? > Can we just smash his hands into cuffs and march him off to a military tribunal for #CrimesAgainstHumanity instead? That's what needs to happen. He's a hero to satan maybe.
People here commenting about the people in the comments are supporting FRAUDci.
I would bet most are bots.
Id say now it’s more favorable to our side. Still a lot of sheep but nowhere near 8 out of 10