Many of us agree that whatever brought us here and educated us will be used to help guide the normies, NPCs and sheep as they awaken to the realities of the world. But there is another angle I believe where we, as purebloods, will be called upon to help. This notion was a gym (not shower) thought this morning, as I was on the treadmill, watching all the new people in for their resolutions.
Do you know CPR? Do you know how to operate an AED? I think we may be seeing people dropping like flies in the gyms, workplace and out and about in 2023 as the vax/boosters do their thing with increasing frequency.
I've had fairly extensive EMT and tactical combat casualty care and am equipped to help. I've used these skills before. The first vax-related incident I experienced was last summer when a recently vaxxed friend nodded out right in front of us at the dinner table, pissed himself, and fell into a stupor, bordering on coma as he became incontinent. I was seconds from starting CPR (on phone w 911) when he took a breath and I aborted. He had a latent heart condition called WPW (electrical pathway) most likely triggered by the vax he took to go on vacation. He survived and is fine now - other than having the toxin in his body.
Most of us are the type of person who will help out in an emergency. So I encourage you at a minimum to get CPR and AED trained. Even if it's watching videos online. Also, encourage your gym, employer, etc. to install AEDs. If it saves one life....
Sage advice.
Perhaps this is why Trump needed all the respiratora built.
I'm not 100% certain an AED or CPR would save anyone from the clotshot. I guess if the person had endocarditis, this could cause arrythmias and could be helpful.
An AED converts your heart rhythm from ventricle tachycardia or fibrillation back to a normal sinus rhythm or asystole (at which point they can give you epinephrine.)
Unfortunately, I think most of the deaths are caused by clots stopping all blood flow when they get stuck in your pulmonary artery. AED is not going to fix that.
Or an aortal dissection, but at least it’s a fighting chance. I’d also add everyone should carry a few packs of aspirin in their wallets, backpacks or purses.
And antihistamine. Great post Anon!
Thanks. Antihistamine for?
allergic reactions so bad airway closes up. There's meltaways you can go sublingual with. Just for general emergencies, I don't remember anything COVID or jab related popping up like that.
Ah OK. I wasn't trying to get into the whole prepper first aid convo, but yes, I have 2 epipens in my backpack IFAK just in case.
Good ol cpr can bang out a clot. It's a hell of a lot better than standing there and doing nothing.
Stopped heart is dead for sure.
technically yup. brain death is the biggie though, if you get to them quick the brain can go without o2 for 4-6 minutes without any damage. that's the point of cpr, you're pumping for them. sometimes they actually come back and recover.
Um, I'm not going to say, I told you so.
Back in 2021, people were wishing death to the vaccinated (even some of you on this site). While I certainly wasn't happy with the state of the world back then, I thought it was totally un-Christ like to wish death on them, and doing so is totally playing into the Cabal's plan for civil war.
OP's got the right idea here. Remember that many of these people are victims of Project Mockingbird, and if you were on the receiving end of the sword, you would beg for God's mercy too.
Be aware these classes cost money. If you want the information, you can find it here:
But please be aware that you might not be covered by the Good Samaritan law if you are not certified. This depends on the laws in your state. Please do your research.
Excellent point about Good Samaritan laws.
Good Samaritan Law by state.
Edit: I'm not sure if they've been updating this chart. The search engine had it as a May 2022 link, but the chart appears to have been from 2014. Check for your current state GSL by doing a specific search for a current version. I doubt they changed much over the years, but you never know, especially considering the current social climate.
GSL are in place all 50 states.
Yes, if you are certified. What if you are not?
Same. Good Samaritan protection for anyone assisting.
More background, discusses AED usage.
This is a wonderful idea anon, these people are going to need us in more ways than one.
Curious your thoughts on how useful an online class is for these types of things. It has been AGES since I last took cpr and first aid. I've never taken aed training. First aid can probably be easily taught in videos. But CPR and AED? Those seem like you need hands on experience. I suppose a video is better than nothing, but is it realistic to think a video is adequate substitute for in person practice?
Push hard push fast between the nipples. 2” deep. 100-120 per minute. To the beat of Stayin’ Alive. AHA has online classes.
Continuous compressions are the go to these days with great research backing it making it simple.
AEDs have audio instructions that most here can understand and carry out.
AHA CPR/AED/BLS and Heartsaver instructor here.
I like that Stayin' Alive idea.
As much as I hate to say it, and don't want to complicate things, folks around children should also know CPR protocol for kids. You can kill a child doing adult CPR on them.
Children are same as adults.
Infants are same rate simply less depth. 1 to 1.5” depth. Use two fingers or thumbs and not palms.
And what happens when you put a full lung of air into a small child? Just saying the protocol is different.
This is another reason why compression only is preferred. No judgement needed.
For infants respiration being done by trained responders is barely a mouthful, barely squeezing the bag valve mask.
Correct. I was trying to keep things simple. At least put a note in the back of anons' heads not to blow a full breath into a child's lungs. All that said, in a crisis situation, people forget things. KISS.
Exactly. It’s great that compressions only is so effective.
RN here. I recertified once online, and I didn't think it was good enough at all, so I retook it in person. But something is better than nothing, if that's the best you can do.
A video is better than nothing but hands on is definitely better.
Yes. Agree it's important to be prepped and ready. There are other organizations that offer certificates of training in life saving skills, though.
Interestingly enough. I know alot of medical practice and flat out refuse to help anyone in need anymore.
For the safety of my self. And my family. I distance myself from everyone and everything. However if I see a patriot in need. . I tend to lend all my aid.
Make sure you wear a cross, a flag, or maga something otherwise. You're not my problem.
Also. Blue hair? Don't care. (Or some other fag color like pink)
God does not approve. Although I get your sentiment. I'd have to think twice before putting my mouth on that of a blue hair.
God wants me to save everyone's life? Where is that virtue? Death is not the end of things. Nor am I a obligated. But most of all I can be harmed from helping.
I ain't risking VAIDS from CPR; blood loss, vomit.
I've had a few scenarios where this has happened recently.
Never seen so many people 'crumble over' ever in my life.
I do my part.
Getting red-pilled is tough, don't feel like you have to always be high energy or should feel bad when you are feeling black pilled.
It is a tough process to go thru.
Read the Bible and praying a lot helps me.
I earned my CPR cert in HS but I need to brush up on it again.
Yep. Protocols have changed. It’s now 30 compressions to 2 breaths.
Don’t do breaths. Hands only continuous compressions.
Much improved perfusion, less complicated, no spit swapping.
American Heart Association
Yeah, they've gone to this no breath thing, but O2 is life.
i'm hearing that compressions pump the lungs too so as long as it's witnessed, continuous does a pretty good job. i don't see why a pulse ox wouldn't bear that out.
btw - weird that we're talking about this just hours before that buffalo player starfishes on the field.
Thanks and good to know.
The Red Cross offers First Aid and CPR classes for a reasonable price, Everyone should take these classes. You never know when or who may need the assistance.
If they die they die - Vaxx Drago
Great post, OP.