The leftists who took the jab are now furious with us truth tellers because they know we didn't take the poison and they did. They are finding out their time is limited from the jab and many of the purebloods will still be here to live a better life without all of them.
I remember over a year ago telling my co-workers to start to expect Professional athletes to start dropping like flies. I said it's only a matter of time before one drops on national TV and everyone freaks the fuck out. They won't be able to hide the VAX deaths for much longer. 2023 is going to be the year of Death.
Who desecrated this fine meme with censorship
Yep. Ruined it.
He is threatening the boaters with his Hate Speech. He needs to be censored for spreading misinformation.
wOrDs aRe ViOlEnCe!!!
Also RaCiST!
Kek! True.
Good one. Thanks for the laugh.
To be fair, I had to touch the stove a few times and I am still not sure I am convinced.
you're not a slow learner.... you're just tougher than most! :-)
That is so freaking sweet! Thank you!
I have been called hard headed. That means tough...
"If the mafia was out doing mafia things, don't you think we'd hear about it on the Mafia News Network??"
OH my goodness, this made me laugh out loud this morning. Thank you so much for the giggle, needed it!
The leftists who took the jab are now furious with us truth tellers because they know we didn't take the poison and they did. They are finding out their time is limited from the jab and many of the purebloods will still be here to live a better life without all of them.
Boy, Isn't that the truth!
Same, but I stop warning them now. Just save yourself, family and friends!
Yep. My entire family and even my own girlfriend is this way.
You're not alone anon.
I don’t get it? Is it another conspiracy MEME. LOL (satire)
While also being forced over said waterfall too. Very disappointing.
I remember over a year ago telling my co-workers to start to expect Professional athletes to start dropping like flies. I said it's only a matter of time before one drops on national TV and everyone freaks the fuck out. They won't be able to hide the VAX deaths for much longer. 2023 is going to be the year of Death.
OP, I hope you weren't the fragile snowflake that had to censor the word "fucking".
If you go back through my stuff you'll see that is not the case hahah.
Too true.
Brilliant. But I'd love to get a copy of the uncensored version.