posted ago by TinkAnon ago by TinkAnon +26 / -1

If one thinks critically about everything that the witch from Monticeto, California & her royal spouse have been saying & doing since day one is absolutely the polar opposite to what they say they want. It truly does not make sense. It only makes sense if they are influenced by the evil cabal. The public & media are perplexed. Harry & his wife continually berate the royal family, especially his brother & father. If one were to think critically about this situation, it becomes apparent that this war in the family is what they want. I think Harry wants to be the heir and the witch wants to be famous on her terms as Queen. Their constant efforts to be in the media only serves the purpose of Harry’s desire to usurp his brother and emasculate his father, King Charles. That’s assuming the King is not in on the plan with the evil cabal. Prince William is the heir. Everything Harry & Meghan do is to continually one up the Royal Family in the limelight, promoting the “woke” agenda and denigrating the British Monarchy. What is true is that Harry & Meghan can be bought, and what greater humiliation to the British people than to install this hated usurper on the throne? Think of it, the perfect satanic cabal action. In cabal families, often times the first born is sacrificed. Who did Harry interview with on 60 minutes? That second born red shoed Vanderbilt pedo spawn. It is my opinion that Prince William, Princess Catherine & their family are facing a threat by Harry & Meghan to their position as the legal heirs. Harry & Meghan’s continual repetition of their victimhood is a “dog whistle” to the evil global cabal. Harry & Meghan can be bought & their installation after some sort of accident replacing the true heirs would be a huge demoralization to the people of the United Kingdom. It would be just what the satanists take great joy in. In my opinion Harry & Meghan are a threat to the British Monarchy. I hope that the Prince, Princess of Wales & their family can be protected. Harry & Meghan’s accusations and actions stand as the evidence of such a possible plot as it stands as evidence in contradiction to what they say they want. https://youtu.be/UYBFMfWWBC8